寒假看的几部热门电视剧A few latest popular Chinese TV dramas ---The Legend of the Condor Heroes

in #cn8 years ago

Spent a few days visiting relatives and friends, and finally can be idle down to find their own fun. Most of his family eat, drink, play cards playing mahjong. I do not like these, so entangled with several other relatives do not like to play cards, together to find a few popular TV series to pass the time to pass, while watching gossip.

Recently the hottest was undoubtedly the "Legend of the Condor Heroes." Speaking of this drama, now 90 is estimated that no feeling. But after 80, especially before the 85 people, this is the childhood memories. Compared to the later snow-capped mountains fox, as well as deer, the real cause of the people only about this one eagle-shoot Heroes.
This version is still very good this year, at least compared to Li Yapeng and Zhou Xun that version, as well as Hu Ge that version is better. Of course, individual roles are controversial. But compared to the 83 version of the Eagle, or can not hold a candle, at least, this version of the music is almost entirely copy 83 version, or pay tribute to the 83 version?

Commendable place, first of all men and women choose the more successful, dare to boldly enable newcomers, save the cost of the star for the stunt production, or the value of the comparison.
Second, more respect for the original, and the arrangement of the severity of the better pre-not very exciting place on the area over, the old version in front of a little procrastination.

Inadequate areas, mainly male actors, whether it is Yan value or acting, are a big difference. Do not say Guo Jing Yang Kang, even Huanglao evil seven public, are much worse with the classic.

Overall, the basic qualified, worth a boring look.

最近最热的当属《射雕英雄传》。 说起这部电视剧,现在的90后估计没什么感觉了。但是我们八零后,特别是八五前的人来说,这就是童年美好的回忆。相比后来的雪山飞狐,还有鹿鼎记,真正造成万人空巷的大约只有这一部射雕英雄传。


