Abraham A Model (TEMPLE THOUGHTS )

in #christianity7 years ago

“Look to Abraham your father, And to Sarah who bore you; For I called him alone, And blessed him and increased him.” Isaiah‬ ‭51:2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

The man Abraham is known by many as the father of faith. He was childless, and his wife Sarah very barren, when the Lord called him and promised that his offspring will be more than the sands of the sea. It is noteworthy that all he had at ninety nine years of age, were just promises. Yet he held on in faith and obedience, with God as his priority. At about a hundred years, and his wife about ninety, God gave him a son called Isaac. Now, the whole of the promises are fulfilled, the descendants of Abraham, are like the sands of the sea. Remember when God called him he was alone.

Please hold on to that promise and do not shake in your faith. Look to Abraham and believe that God has not changed. He is still faithful, He is still trustworthy. Not one of His promises will go unfulfilled.
Has he promised you children? Then look away from your natural circle and feminine / masculine proofs of fertility, look away from diagnosis and prognosis, give your faith life by matching it to your actions, and very soon you will be able to say like Hannah, “ for this child I prayed “.

Today you are alone, and yours may not be about children but whatever it is, just hold on. The season of life will come upon you and He will bless and increase you. The fruits of your wait will be greater than your dreams, that is how our Father works. His middle name is FAITHFUL.