As A Minnow, This Is What You Need To Be Doing To Hit The Bull's-eye On Determining A Niche For Your Steemit Blog.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Hi steemians, so glad you made it to this post. The reason for this? In this post, I'm going to be sharing with you the solution to a problem most steemians just starting out have. This problem is deciding what to write.

So probably your story is that your friend introduced you to Steemit just as mine did, you were told that this is a platform where you can earn from your writing, as true as this is to an extent, what most people who refer others to Steemit fail to make them know is that Steemit is all about the community Bringing quality to this community ultimately guarantees you success in the long run. So i want all steemians just starting out to know that that your post you expected to bring you a considerable amount of payout but it didn't is probably because of the lack of quality and focus in the post.

As i said earlier, I'm glad you made it here because in this post I'll be telling you what you can do to improve your potential of earning better on Steemit and impacting positively on others on the way.


Finding your niche could impact you significantly as a blogger just starting out on Steemit. As a new blogger/writer on Steemit, it is most advisable to focus on a particular specialty. How this would help is subsequently explained in this post, so sit back and read on.

Well, what's a Niche?

A niche is – in straightforward terms – the general point matter that you expound on. It's the enthusiasm or principle subject of your blog. When you have a niche, every one of your posts spin around that fundamental topic, and that is basically all you discuss.

In any case, for what reason would anybody do that? Wouldn't readers get exhausted perusing about a similar point without fail?

Wouldn't you get exhausted expounding on a similar thing consistently?

The appropriate response is no. Individuals frequently discover a blog they like in light of the fact that the blog gives particular substance on a particular specialty.

Why having a niche is better generally.

There are a wide range of bloggers on steemit, however most bloggers here according to research can be separated into two primary classifications: specialty/niche bloggers and general – or multi-theme – bloggers.

While specialty bloggers center around just a single fundamental point, general bloggers center around an assortment of subjects. A well known kind of multi-point blog is a way of life blog. On a blog this way, you'll locate an extensive variety of substance on general way of life points, for example, vocation, innovation, stylistic layout, wellbeing, and wellness.

Having a specialty blog or a niche, then again, brings various advantages, for example,

1. A specialty keeps you on track.

Let be honest: blogging is extreme. You need to draw out magnificent and profitable substance consistently in the event that you need to perceive any measure of activity going to your blog.

Frequently you may loose focus, blogger's square sneaks in, and any expressive energies you once had are destroyed dry.

You may not understand it but rather, when you have a specialty, you have significantly more instruments accessible to you. Furthermore, you can take a gander at your substance to see which posts are well known and repurpose them or restore them with a crisp new edge.

On the off chance that you have a specialty blog, concocting features and blog subjects is a great deal less demanding then when you have a general blog with no center topic, and as a minnow or you're just starting out on Steemit, you'll find this is very useful.

2. A niche blog makes you a specialist.

Since you know your specialty extremely well, expounding on it ought to be generally simple.

Most things you expound on will likely be unique or will be founded on your encounters in that specialty.

Or on the other hand, you may pick a subject of intrigue and through blogging, turn into a specialist in that specialty.

Entirely soon, individuals will go to your blog to learn profitable tips and assets from you.

3. A specialty grows your group of people.

Individuals long for quality substance and will search out the feed for articles that address their issues. Having a niche blog fits pleasantly with individuals since you can give steady and relatable substance to them.

They'll come to know your specialty, gain from your encounters and will need your own interpretation of things.

You'll additionally have a more prominent possibility of holding readers on the off chance that you create content inside a specialty. For instance, if you wind up composing a blog entry on wellbeing that circulated around Steemit, individuals will expect wellbeing related substance when they return.

In any case, when your next post is about best-kept excellence insider facts, there's a decent shot those individuals won't stick around. Along these lines, it winds up harder to manufacture a solid crowd when you have a general-type blog.

So How Do I Discover My Niche?

If you've decided to try the single niche technique, then take a peek at the following four ways plus an extra tip to decide on your specialty :

Step by step instructions to pick your specialty.

All in all, how would you approach picking the correct specialty for you? As indicated by research, your specialty happens when energy, information and income potential adjust consummately. We should take a look at those more.

1. Do You Have A Field Of Expertise?

A few people as of now have a field of skill, for example, being a specialist, an attorney or simply being extremely great at cooking different cuisines or dishes. What are the things you are great at, or the things you have affirmations in? Is there anything that you are especially proficient about? Record the things that you do well, regardless of whether you don't especially cherish them. This will give you a genuine extent of the conceivable outcomes for your blog, however risks are, you're not going to pick something you have a ton of mastery in the event that you don't love it as well. This is where tip 2 come in.

2. What Do You Have Passion For?

For some individuals, their blog is their blameworthy joy. It's what they get a kick out of the chance to do in their leisure time.

For a specialty blog to thrive you need enthusiasm when you compose your posts. Week after week; for a long time.

The life of your blog can be years or even decades long. So you have to ask yourself, would i be able to expound on my niche for a long time straight?

Will you have a special enthusiasm for your niche, numerous years from now?

Blogging can incur significant damage on anybody. What's more, in the event that you can't stay with your specialty and have the similar energy that you had when you composed your first post, you're not going to have much fortunes getting your blog off the ground – or developing it.

3. Am I educated about the point?

The life span of your blog relies upon your insight inside your specialty. You may think you require this learning in advance, yet that is not generally the situation. In the event that you have an energy for something, or wind up keen on something you just lurched into, you can learn as you come and develop your power on the fly.

4. What Could You Write About Essentially Forever?

So you have a rundown of things you want to do, things you appreciate, things you're great at, and so forth. It could be a major show, it could be a little rundown. To decide down to earth specialties for your blog, consider the points on your sheet of paper and consider which ones you could hypothetically expound on for eternity. Would you be able to see yourself composing article after article after article on that point? In the event that the appropriate response is no, at that point scrap it. Shouldn't something be said about cooking? Do you as of now have huge amounts of thoughts for formula posts whirling about in your mind? In the event that the appropriate response is yes, at that point view that as one of the last conceivable outcomes for your blog's specialty.

One additional tip.

Take a Serious Look At Your Final List

At this point, you ought to have it pared down to a couple of thoughts. Possibly you just have one thought, or perhaps you have five. That is alright. Take a gander at your rundown. Put it up. Consider it. Take it on a retreat. Put it up once more. Hold up seven days. Take a look at it once more. Lay down with it. In any case, you get the thought. Reflecting on the conceivable specialties for your blog without settling on a hurried choice will uncover the one you really need.

When you imagine the conceivable niches for your blog after some time, you will continue returning to one over and over. You may consider different specialties and imagine the conceivable outcomes for those, exclusive to discover your mind floating back to the one point. This is the thing that will uncover to you the blog niche that is genuinely in your heart.

Wrapping it up

Individuals begin blogging for some extraordinary reasons, yet in the long run we as a whole wind up needing to discover approaches to adapt our blog.

Having a specialty can enable you to shape an arrangement, fabricate validity and grow a crowd of people, making it less demanding to gain a pay from blogging on steemit. Plus, there are numerous groups that reward quality on Steemit, among which are the @minnowsupport, @asapers group, and other handles that reward posts with quality. So your endeavors definitely won't be futile.

With a solid energy, a profound learning about the point and the potential for income, a specialty ought to be anything but difficult to discover.

If you've found this useful, why don't you go ahead and..........
Thanks and stay tuned for more tips to help as a blogger on Steemit, this has been useful for me, has it been useful for you? Let me know in the comments section.


So true with what you said. With a focus others with notice. Thanks.

There's no need for a niche, if you're just posting regularly, you will be in the top 10% of users.

Avoid spam and plagiarism and you're in the top 5%

And make your posts interesting, entertaining or useful and you will be doing amazingly!

Have fun

That's true, if you're confident of posting about different spheres of life, why don't you go for it. As said in the post, there are two types of bloggers
General and specialty bloggers, Although i think that for the struggling blogger, having a niche is the best way to go.

That may be true generally on the internet, but on steem, it's not the case.

It's a whole different ecosystem here

Nice write up and thanks for the @asapers call out. We do try to help undervalued steemians. If anyone needs a boost make sure to check out how to join our discord group..

This post has been resteemed from MSP3K courtesy of @isaria from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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Wow, this seems very helpful. What's your niche?

Thanks for your input, I'm also in the "additional tip" part of this post. I just did some research and decided to share what i learnt. Although I've written some Steemit tips and i may decide to stick with that.

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