"The bridge back to the archaic shamanic function of the artist..."
I have been thinking a lot about the role of the artist of late and my own long, troubled and winding journey as an artist. I feel strongly that my life as an artist is more akin to what it might have been in the dawn of human culture, a blended role of visionary, mystic, shaman, doctor, toolsmith, inventor. Inspired as I am by spirit and beauty and moved to care for the tribe's well being.
I am readying myself to return after a long retreat from the world.
I bring my vision, my love, my broken and shining parts...
Here Terence McKenna eloquently describes the role of the artist as shaman.
bring the skills out of the artist to the paper so that others can also benefit from it.
Yes, the sharing of the vision for the benefit of all, reminding us of the mystery, the holy beauty of being.