Winter Silence, original art. Universe Is Constantly Talking To Us. Do We Listen?

in #art7 years ago

I received a call today. At the exact time when I needed it the most. What was told to me was exactly what I needed to be reminded of.

Winter silence logo.jpg

I truly believe in synchronicities. I do not believe that things happen in a random way. I believe that everything exists within a very intricate velvet web of consciousness. This web connects us all, connects all sentient beings, which of course is everything since there is no such thing as inanimate thing in the Universe. Everything vibrates, everything is alive. Air, water, your heart and the rock upon which we stand.

I truly believe in Universal laws, which define the quality of this omni-present consciousness, out of which everything arises and to which everything comes back to. The most notable one for us is the Law of Free Will. And I mention this one because I don't think that most people grasp it in its entirety.

What law of free will says is really that whatever is happening to you cannot really happen to you unless you have not consciously or unconsciously chosen so. The key word in this sentence is "unconsciously". We think we did not chose to be poor or miserable. But at some point of our journey beyond our memory of this life and time, we did. Or it might as well have been result of our thoughts and actions that sabotage what we really want (love, health, happiness & prosperity) but do not really emanate by our being. Ever heard of lack mentality? Or blame? Or victim identity? There go the culprits of most of the human misery.

hanes winter silence 1.jpg

Nothing is random. Or maybe this whole universe is random. But Universal laws exist. And one that talked to me today is the very fundamental one:

Universe is talking to you in every moment. You just need to listen

Also: the message is not to bring you down, but to wake you up, to make you remember who you truly are and march in your greatest fearless glory. It's a tough one, I know, especially when everything seems to go wrong.

But even there, in that wretched miserable time, when you just wanna curl up and forget it all, the Universe whispers in your ear and through the circumstances you brought upon yourself: You are loved. In every moment. And your happiness and fulfillment is here, in this moment, if you just chose to let go of past, and change the actions and thoughts now. In this very moment.

And so I am finally getting to the point where I received the today's phonecall. I wasn't in the best mood to be honest. Too distracted by markets of all sorts (crypto, gold & silver, junior miners, ETFs etc.), feeling like I am betraying my life purpose, but not having enough resolution to just drop all of it, switch off my browser and pick up the brush.

hanes eagle.jpg

In that moment, phone rang and a friend who I have not talked to over a year called. He bought one of my paintings last year and called me to share the excitement that he is finally getting it stretched on frame (I send him a roll of canvas, since the painting was too large to ship it for small money). I shared a bit my frustration of lack of focus, and he told me straight away- drop the markets, let the do their own thing , and just paint. Forget it all and follow your passion. This world needs your talent, not your trades.

Of course I knew he was right. But sometimes you really need to hear it from someone else.

30 min later my framing guy texts me that I have a delivery of 8x6 feet frame which I was anticipating for 2 weeks already - ready to receive a massive piece of blank canvas on top. As if Universe was giving me another sign.
And that's what I did, listening to the call of my heart, I put my hands to work. It is not a small task to stretch a canvas on frame of this size, and prime it. It should be ready tomorrow.

hanes wolf sold.jpg

If you're not sure what to do because everything just goes wrong- stop and listen. You will eventually hear the call from the right place, which will give you the right guidance.

The painting that I feature in this blog (wolf) is the one that my friend who called me today bought. It is called "Winter silence" and it's strangely related to what I said, because it's only in silence you can really listen. When you have too much noise in your head, the messages of Universe are not coming through.

Thank you for reading!

May your day/night be blessed,

Much Love,

follow @jankasparec

!! you are beautiful.jpg


You are wise @jankasparec. Sometimes there is so much pain when we don't listen to the messages universe sent us. Always doing things without patience and calmness. I know that feeling and I did it very often before. Thank you for reminding us with this amazing painting. You are really amazing:)

Thank you Glady. I am reminding people but myself I forget every day....

We are just human being, aren't we ?:D

I think this post was my phone call :D Markets are grinding my gears too but luckily everything aint about cryptos even tho they kinda feel like they are haha :D nothing is lost until we allow it to happen. Universe is one hell of a place.. :D
Keep posting good stuff bro!

Thanks a lot for great comment. It's not about crypto at all. We just get sucked into it too much, forgetting our real purpose. Much love bro!

Good post. I agree. Listening to the universe is in our best interest. I find that if I don't listen, I often miss the beautiful subtleties and opportunities available to me. If it is a lesson I was to learn, I know it will come around again in a way that will gain more of my attention. Here's to listening, here's to friends calling at the right moment, here's to seeing the order in the chaos.

Over and over again until we finally listen. Yes brother! Thank you for your wisdom! <3

I think this happened to me yesterday. But it's kinda silly though:
It'd been 2 days since I hadn't posted anything on Steemit and was wondering if I should even post anything that day.
It was almost night when I went to the Trending section and there I found, right at the top, the first post was about a new meme website being launched. So, I thought I'd check it out and create a meme. I did and when I posted that, I got $30 for it - my highest earning so far on a post!
Hehe, so I too believe that we should listen to what the Universe is telling us.

That's an amazing example and I am happy it worked out for you ! <3

Thanks man! btw I was wondering if you've considered creating painting tutorials on steemit? It could be short ones that you create when you've spare time (that could be rare).
Would love to learn from ya!

You are just as good with the pen as you are with the brush. This is me being honest. There's a reason I always check your blog and @tarazkp 's because sometimes I feel its a way of the universe speaking to me too from your writings.

stop and listen.

So much could be gain only if we have more listeners than speakers. We should learn to identify how the universe speak to us. Some find it songs, some in art, others in nature and so on. Pretty beautiful what we can be if we listen beginning with listening to ourselves. Thank you @jankasparec for speaking to us this morning and for giving me a new cover photo.

Thanks for being my regular reader and for being so appreciative of my spontaneous blurbs/confessions :)

Wow- feeling quite diluted in focus today as well- having a hard time dialing in, and fighting a bit of physical pain as well but still in my stubbornness I'm sitting here, cycling over the same 4 thoughts and not getting much of anything done- time to take this post as a cue to get up and make a change of energy-

Thank you friend <3

It was also full moon yesterday, so those of us with extra sensitivity can get very much me :) hang in there friend!

Thanks for the encouragement! Feeling the new month energy today, clean slate- hope you are too!

Why do your posts always seem to come at the moment where I'm ready to hear them, and the example needed to drive home your point, happen that day? Lovely as always :) Thanks for the inspiration!

Thanks Mike! I have no idea. You must be listening! :)

I am so glad I stumbled upon your post. Just what I needed to read today. It is so true when things go completely wrong everytime, it has so much got to do with those sub conscious fears. That it feels eerie that almost what I have been fearing about is coming true. Guess I should just breathe in and really listen to what the universe is telling me! Thank you for your post.

Might be true. For me, I lose my focus more easily when I lack sleep. But sleep I can't get because of fears that come up, although I do not follow then/nor am I '"interested" in them :) Stuff we have to deal with, nothing we can run away from in this Universe! :) Thank you! @pbv!

nice art...
good to share...
love it

Awesome pictures and great expressions.


Follow your passion! Love your work. Namaste!

Best wishes for you too. God bless you man. Thanks for this nice post. You have talent about Article making. Briliant

good pictures good luck always friends

My observation now is, Steemit is filled with creative people only .
Anywaam new here and i need you to help me be just like you.
I love your post and follow aswell.
Can you please get my back boss?
Please say yes😊😊😊