for stemian fan of cake, can't eat or are on a diet reduce eggs, no need to worry about to enjoy the cake. I have a recipe for making Sakura sponge without the use of eggs, you know. Peep the recipe below yes!
Granulated sugar is 200 grams
Hot water 325 grams
Sweetened condensed milk 25 ml
Margarine 50 ml, melt
Flour 225 grams
The baking Soda ½ tsp
- Melt the 100 grams of granulated sugar over low heat until it becomes caramel.
- Pour the hot water slowly while stirring until the sugar dissolves, remove from heat and let the steam heat is lost.
- Pour the sweetened condensed milk and margarine, stirring until blended.
- Mix remaining sugar, flour and baking soda. Mix well.
- Put the dough in the mold bolu sakura beroles margarine.
- Steamed until cooked for 15 minutes. Remove and let cool, serve.
bagi stemian penggemar bolu, yang tidak dapat mengonsumsi atau sedang diet mengurangi telur, tidak perlu kuatir untuk menikmati bolu. Saya punya resep untuk membuat Bolu Sakura tanpa menggunakan telur, lho. Intip resepnya di bawah ini ya!
Gula pasir 200 gram
Air panas 325 gram
Susu kental manis 25 ml
Margarin 50 ml, lelehkan
Terigu 225 gram
Soda kue ½ sdt
Lelehkan 100 gram gula pasir di atas api kecil hingga menjadi karamel.
Tuang air panas perlahan sambil diaduk hingga gula larut, angkat dan biarkan uap panasnya hilang.
Tuang susu kental manis dan margarin sambil diaduk hingga rata.
Campur sisa gula, terigu dan soda kue. Aduk rata.
Masukkan adonan dalam cetakan bolu sakura beroles margarin.
Kukus hingga matang selama 15 menit. Angkat dan dinginkan, sajikan.
This cake my favorite. I like it