PostsCommentsPayoutssszjhzjh111 (25)in #technology • 7 years ago刚刚,中国赚走美国6万亿,只因美国一个小小失误Not long ago, China and the United States signed a high price energy order. China will import LNG from the US, but it is worth noting that the US has always been a net importer…sszjhzjh111 (25)in #travel • 7 years agoIf you wish to make Guizhou a paradiseIn the Chinese tourism world, Huangguoshu Waterall is the earliest known. However, in addition to the Huangguoshu Waterall in Guizhou, purdah hiding many beautiful landscapes…sszjhzjh111 (25)in #food • 7 years ago[Sauteed Vermicelli with Spicy Minced Pork approach [map] _ steps[Sauteed Vermicelli with Spicy Minced Pork approach [map] _ steps This dish fans shiny, tender meat, crisp, unique flavor, is the top grade vegetable dish. Sauteed…sszjhzjh111 (25)in #food • 7 years agoThe practice of delicacy and delicacyThe fragrance of the dish is also like human temperament. It is something that can not be touched but can be felt. Temperament is not beautiful appearance, temperament is not an…sszjhzjh111 (25)in #technology • 7 years agoCrackedShow cracked love original works, including the Windows program registration machine, crack, crack version, version and the Chinese version of the green to the ad and other…sszjhzjh111 (25)in #life • 7 years ago习近平会见法国总统马克龙Xinhua news agency, Beijing, 8, January(Reporter Bai Jie)President Xi Jinping met with the president of France, Mucklow, who came to China for a state visit to China at the…sszjhzjh111 (25)in #life • 7 years ago这个非洲小国,搭个公交要3万亿,钱是论斤称,人人都是亿万富翁如果你去过呼伦贝尔驰骋草原,上过布达拉宫晒太阳,在欧洲文艺的日光小镇喝过咖啡,还想去非洲圆你一场非洲梦,那么这个刚刚对中国落地签,又很爱中国的国家或许是你的菜。 津巴布韦原生态景点 到了津巴布韦,遍地都是“万亿富翁”。津巴布韦币大约是世界上最大面值的纸币,譬如下面这张发行于2009年的货币,1后面14个零...到底是多少钱?…