Zodiac - oil on canvas

in #zodiac7 years ago (edited)

Here I plan to share a progress of my work on zodiacs painted with oil on canvas. As of this moment it is hard to say how it will evolve, but the idea is to produce a series of 12 (or should I say 13, as we don't want to forget Ophiuchus) zodiacal signs while trying to delve into their esoteric properties of cosmic significance. When it comes to art, I believe there shouldn't be too much planning, otherwise it turns into commerce. Art must have a factor of spontaneity and shouldn't take the utilitarian form before it even began. Only later It will be up to observers to apply utility to the piece of art, find explanation or distinguish the concept. Pure art is concept-less, agree or not, otherwise, at best it is only a craft. Nevertheless, I do what I do and not particularly interested in opinions. However, I intend this post to be more of a chronicle rather, and if someone finds it interesting, you may then wish follow the progress of this work going further.
The sizes of canvas I select according to the relative area constellation occupies on celestial sphere. Thus, if Virgo, the largest constellation occupies approx. 3.14% of celestial sphere and Capricornus, the smallest of zodiacal constellations, takes 1%, then I intend to maintain this proportion in the sizes of the paintings.
Below is the painting of Aries, the first in series. Happy to hear what you think, yet will endeavour to remain unbiased, as I think that is how the artist should be.