The growth of prosperity in human civilization that media doesn't talk about

in #zappl7 years ago

Internet is full of people who are acting like the whole world is facing its darkest hour. Despite some people's best efforts the worlds getting better.Details at:


It is true.

Our world and our lives are improving at an accelerating rate.

A cashier in McDonalds probably has a better life than a King 600 years ago.

Resteemed cause I'm tired of it too.

These changes inspire faith in a happy future.

Эти изменения внушают веру в счастливое будущее.

Very true. There is always good people struggling to make the world better.

Wow, really interesting perspective. But I think if you look at the extinction of species, the amount of deforestation and the use of fossil resources over the last two centuries it may look different.

Bereh that

Very interesting the evolution. I guess the problem here is that a little % today means a lot more people than 100 years ago...

Same goes for the improvements. What really matters is the percentages. Just raw numbers are meaningless. If you kill 99% population and if 50% of the remaining are in a bad condition, that's only ~35 million. If there are only 5% people suffering out of 7 billion, that's 350 million.

Does that mean 1 out of 2 people suffering is better than 1 out of 20 people suffering??