Is Daniel Bryan turning heel?

in #wwe7 years ago

Smackdown GM Daniel Bryan, one of the most popular talents on the WWE roster, may be turning heel. Is he? And why would WWE attempt to do that?

As you probably know, there is a longstanding disagreement between Bryan and his doctors and WWE and their doctors about whether he is fit, after multiple concussions, to return to the ring.

With WWE allowing Curt Angle, a man who literally can't stand straight, wrestle on two occasions now, things may be coming to a boil. It seems clear that Bryan wants to wrestle. It is unclear whether WWE will allow him to.
With Bryan's contract due to expire some time this year, it seems very likely he is going to return to the ring.

It has been much publicized that Cody and The Young Bucks are trying to put together a mega indie show, and that Cody would like the main event of that match to be himself vs Bryan. That, plus the fact that ROH and NJPW would throw all available money at Bryan, plus knowing he could move a ton of merch as an independent wrestler, makes leaving potentially very attractive.

That's where the recent odd rumor that WWE thinks turning Bryan heel would hurt him in the indies comes in. To say this would be a strange call would be a massive understatement. Turning Bryan heel against a member of the McMahon family wouldn't hurt his indie cred. It would boost it. Battling the McMahons (and HHH) is how Bryan became the biggest star in wrestling. Could WWE be this stupid? Well... yes. They tend to have a very insular view of the world. Shane McMahon gets a face pop, so he must be universally beloved. Right?
The other option, of course, is also much rumored: They are trying to turn Bryan heel so he can feud with a McMahon while maintaining Shane's status as the "good" McMahon, for ongoing Steph fued purposes. This, again, seems like a poor decision for me. If WWE is worried about Bryan's health, which I believe they are, I would not make Shane his first major opponent. While they're on different shows right now, his ongoing, years long, real life inspired feud with The Miz would be a MUCH better plan. Not only would that be a huge draw, Miz is also a much safer worker than Shane "big spot" McMahon.

One possible way to thread the needle would be to put Bryan in a program with AJ Styles. While AJ has not always been 100 percent safe, he will know to take care of Bryan, and his skills are second to none. The two know each other, like each other, and respect each other. Have for many years now.

As a fan of wrestling, I want to see Daniel Bryan (or, for that matter, real name Bryan Danielson) work again. Of course I do. He's amazing.
As a fan of Daniel Bryan, I'm not at all sure I do. Yes, he found doctors who would clear him. But WWE's doctors haven't. I understand his frustration of not being able to do something at which he was, and could still be, one of the very best in the world. He's 36 years old. That's 4 years younger than Styles. But is it worth possible permanent brain damage? I don't think it is. He's got a kid now.

I think the best thing WWE could do is let him wrestle once a year, Undertaker style. One match against a top level opponent who would work safe with him. And keep him as a face. He's a terrific smarmy heel, but he's one of the best faces of all time.

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I agree is it worth Daniel Bryan coming back into the ring to risk permanent brain damage? I don't think so. He was in Pittsburgh hospital for a long time with that neck injury.

Exactly. I keep thinking: You have a kid now, dude! Stick around for her!

This is the best possible outcome. Put him together with KO/Sami and start an indie stable.

As open as they've become to talking about the world outside the company, I don't think they'll ever have an explicitly indie stable. The closest we're getting is their version of the Bullet Club being called Balor Club with vague talk of it forming first in Japan and being influential and stuff.

Further, as long as he's not wrestling, I don't see the value of adding him to KO and Sami. I mean... KO is a better talker than he is, so it's not like he needs a mouthpiece manager.

So long as he's GM, he could serve as an anti-authority figure and give WWE an excuse to push a different demographic of their roster on SD.

Mark my words. Daniel Bryan will be wrestling in New Orleans.
And I shall be there to see it :)

It's very possible. I just hope that if it happens, it won't be against Shane (while knowing that if it happens, it will probably be against Shane).

Also, that's so awesome that you're going! One day, hopefully, I'll be able to make it to one of the big WWE events. Are you also going to TakeOver the night before?

I'm expecting it to be against Shane as well. I'm kinda alright with it, I'd like to see it.

While I do worry about Bryan's health.
Bryan is an absolute pro, and wouldn't put himself in danger, nobody knows his body better than he does.

I'm going takeover, raw, smackdown. Will be my second year on the trot. Such a good time.

Bryan's instincts have never been to wrestle cautiously. This is why he said, and meant what he said, that Miz wrestles "like a coward." Miz never gets hurt because he takes very few real risks in the ring. Bryan takes all the risks. It's part of how he got to be this good.

So, yeah, I worry a lot.

D bryan will not return to ring since he has a family now and I don't think he will be a heel. This whole disagreement saga with Shane come during lead up to survivor series PPV whereby Shane was the one pulled a heel move to siege RAW. Right now in wwe , the heel/face things is kind of blured

The fans won't accept DB as a heel, but that won't stop WWE creative from trying. I really hope the Mega Indie show is in Chicago. It's been talked about as a location, but there's other places in consideration. I could see WWE being petty enough to try and turn Bryan heel in hopes of in some way dampening his indie return but obviously that won't work. As for his health, the whole concussion thing is so complicated. I wish the best for DB like most people. He needs to change his style if he comes back, that is for sure. Great article. Please keep at it with wrestling articles. I would love to see a wrestling presence on Steemit.