
in #writing7 years ago





Concerning the Milky Way Galaxy

In the year 2150 Humanity began its exploration into the stars, via the recently developed Fasen Drive. For one hundred years Humanity expanded to its neighbouring planets and star systems, turning Sol into a glorious network of colonies, trade hubs and research stations but that all became irrelevant with first contact. In the year 2251 Humanity was contacted by the Galactic Commune. To Humanity’s surprise it was not alone in the galaxy and never had been, but it was different.

It quickly became evident to the species of the Commune that Humanity had no inherent biological imperative for peace. Every species of the Commune had evolved either through nature or nurture to become totally one with all its members. Some species possessed telepathy between each other, others were able to communicate their emotions perfectly via pheromones some of the Communes peoples could even communicate with the flora and fauna of their home planet. But Humanity had no such ability.

Despite this, the Galactic Commune; being a federation of peace loving species, offered Humanity entrance, so it may learn and grow with the rest of the galaxy. Humanity accepted the offer within the month; believing, even though technologically underdeveloped in comparison to even the weakest Commune race, that the Commune would lead Humanity to new heights. The reality was anything but.

Within fifty years of entrance into the Commune Earth was a backwater. The Sol system was easily five hundred years behind every Commune system. This was because peace had empowered the Commune species to explore and learn at a rate Humanity, in its suspicion of its own species, could never achieve. But just as the Commune species couldn’t feel hate they also couldn’t feel indignation: a feeling which now permeated the Human species.

In the year 2300 in the climate of resentment Dr Matthaius Rosenborg came to prominence on Earth with a new theory: The Rosenborg Proof. The Rosenborg Proof dictated that humanity was an evolutionary anomaly, that as a species it was totally and completely unique because of its ever present interspecies combat. The Rosenborg Proof was a simple mathematical proof but it implied to many humans that they should be the rulers of the galaxy: not a commune of pacifists. It implied to many humans that their technological underdevelopment because of conflict was not a curse but in fact a blessing.

Slowly but surely as less and less was given to Humanity the Rosenborg Proof’s message took hold. For decades Humanities hatred grew and grew, becoming more evident in its planetary policies with each election until the year 2350 when that hatred came to fruition. In the planetary election of 2350 the radically human-centric party, The Human Ascension Coalition, won a majority allowing it to enact the public’s fury into legislation.

The HAC immediately presented a referendum to the Global House of Representatives in New York to the repeal the Global Separation of Powers Act of 2143. Even with moderate commentators vilifying the act it was passed in 2350 to public adulation. Parades were held for weeks in every capital across Earth showing the power of human military might and the honour of human military history. All that could be heard for nights on end were the anthems of thousands of historical military organisations as all joined together in a new chorus of racial discontent. Accompanied horribly by the burning light of thousands of torches and braziers forged to light the way for billions of marching men, women and children. Any remaining dissenters were quickly disposed of covertly and moderates were forced to tow the party line or be silent.

With their enabling act passed the HAC then set about propagandising Earth. Firstly the HAC set about renaming the planet from Earth to Terra and changing the official name of Humanity’s government to the United Human Federation. Secondly state flags featuring a black silhouette of the earth on a red banner were hung from all official and public buildings, all internet pages were re-coloured to the party colours, children were brought into new youth groups espousing human superiority through combat and the evolutionary necessity of conflict, holographic bill boards were forced to display one party message every thirty seconds world over and a myriad of moderates were replaced with radicals in all positions: public and private. Massive party offices were built by the HAC in every capital around the globe and were furnished immediately on completion with legions of party members. Yet during the reformation, as it would come to be known, no dissent was largely visible: combined with the Rosenborg Proof the HAC had show humanity a path it was all to ready and willing to take.

Following the remodelling of Earth the HAC set about expanding and revivifying the decrepit Earth military and navy, and in 2351 landed armies on Mars and Neptune for the purposes of “police fortification”. Accompanying the occupying forces were the HAC’s newly minted Federal Security Force, trained in covert intelligence gathering and civilian repression techniques the FSF quickly became infamous amongst Humanity. Further infamy was gained when FSF officers displayed above human strength and speed, leading many to whisper about previously illegal genetic enhancement. With the solar system consolidated the United Human Federation sent out the FSF into the Galactic Commune to steal technology for its own purposes. For years covert operations were successfully managed from Terra, stealing some of the most important technology humanity would ever receive. Some FSF officers were even forced to undergo extreme cosmetic surgery so they could penetrate the Galactic Commune's social and political elite.

In tandem with these covert operations the HAC continued to militarize the solar system. New warship designs were approved and constructed, no longer designed for exploration these new fleets of humanity were angular and aggressive. Equipped with advanced Commune energy production systems and the latest Human weaponry this new breed of warship was named the Imperator class. Designed with a triangular hull and a jutting command bridge the Imperators looked like flying fortresses; dagger like in one respect and yet stalwart in another. Clad in advanced Commune alloys the HAC had decided to leave the Imperator colourless; the sleek yet desiccated silver became synonymous with the Imperator within the year.

Whilst the new navy was forged in the skies’ of Earth, Mars and Neptune the new military was reinforced and reforged on the ground. New mechanised constructs were created to siege terrestrial fortifications such as the Ariel Recompense Chassis, a fifteen foot robotic humanoid piloted from a central cockpit in its chest. As per HAC design the Ariel Recompense Chassis was styled to look like a medieval knight, going so far as for its main weapon to be a spear, which could split its blade to fire a particle cannon. Divisions of Federal Security Force personnel were taken from covert operations and trained as elite shock troopers; given advanced suits of power armour and the latest repeating particle rifles these new elite units became know as the FSF Special Forces.

With its new war machine's and army's ready the United Human Federation prepared for the most daring attack imaginable: a tandem strike on all Galactic Commune worlds within the Orion arm of the Milky Way galaxy. The attack was codenamed Operation Destiny and it was predicated on five years of FSF intelligence, the element of surprise and what Humanity perceived as the pacifism of the Galactic Commune. The aim of Operation Destiny was to ensure Humanity’s ability to colonise its rightful systems in its home band of the galaxy. For five years the UHF High Command prepared for Operation Destiny under the watchful eye of the ever expanding Federal Security Force and the HAC leadership. In the year 2356 the United Human Federation fulfilled the dream of the Human Ascension Coalition and launched Operation Destiny.

As the first UHF fleets dropped from Fasen space they gave no warning and commenced immediate full bombardment. Thousands of Commune civilian vessels were caught in the crossfire and the images communicated back to Terra had so many burning ships they looked like stars in the night sky. The Commune worlds of Orsica, Jinue V and Krassus were the first to burn under the lightning attacks of Humanity’s fleets. The thinking behind this act was that occupation would cause a stall to progress on the front by diverting resources and thus it was more expedient to burn alien worlds and colonise new ones post victory. This also ensure the population of new colonies was entirely Human. Thus when the first Galactic Commune communications arrived to the United Human Federation they were filled with a lack of understanding and horror. This was in fact the master stroke of the HAC leadership. Knowing full well that the alien species of the Commune had never had any serious warfare they would never have imagined any serious war crime and thus the effect of such would be immeasurably more effective as a deterrent and example.

Never underestimating the Commune though the HAC leadership feigned a desire for peace but immediately upon a dialogue opening launched their second wave. Along with the standard equipment of the first wave, the second was given FSF Special Forces units. With these elite operators onboard the second wave intentionally lagged, allowing covert deployments of FSF Special Forces along numerous Fasen space points. In this manner the UHF were able to capture and control a myriad of tactically unimportant worlds that were extremely populous and use their peoples as leverage. The FSF Special Forces were ordered to capture and control key government facilities and then provide genetic material the HAC could use as proof-of-life. In this manner the UHF was able to ransom the Commune's own people for its desired agenda. The remainder of the second wave then pushed down the Orion arm and destroyed all resistance on the Commune strongholds of Xeron Prime and Alacionia.

Finally with the Orion arm under their heel Humanity cut its diplomatic charade and demanded total independence from the Commune. The HAC leadership went on to demand the immediate withdrawal of all Commune Security Forces from the Orion arm and the displacement of all non-human residents. The Galactic Commune was shocked but saw its mistake, any resistance now would result in the deaths of billions maybe even trillions and with their people's lives at stake the Commune had no choice: they accepted the terms. Thus in the year 2358 the Orion arm of the galaxy was brought under total subjugation by the United Human Federation. This victory brought the Human Ascension Coalition a validity it had always desired and with the success of Operation Destiny the permanence of the regime was ensured.

Over the next five hundred years the United Human Federation expanded itself to numerous worlds throughout the Orion, gaining access to new resources and technologies it had previously only dreamed of inventing on its own merits. The FSF continued to grow until its authority even on occasion over reaching the military in domestic affairs and with such power on offer attracted more and more ambitious cadets. The UHF’s Military Industrial complex followed suit and also rapidly expanded, going so far as to become involved in the private sector to a moderate extent: a development the HAC leadership was extremely pleased about. Finally the Human Ascension Coalition itself became the centre of culture, political thought, justice and moral fibre throughout the United Human Federation. HAC quickly swept away any remnant of democracy or dissenting thought after Operation Destiny via surgical legislation and the deployment of the FSF. Swiftly, the last few stalwart public critics of the regime were felled.

Thus in the current year of 2760 galactic tensions are high, with war hanging like a noxious odour in the air both the Federation and the Commune are on edge. The UHF is preparing to once again attack the Commune but the Commune itself has not sat idle. Learning and discovering combat has been a hard process but reports flood HAC leadership of training camps and military factories dotted across Commune space. With both galactic powers preparing for war the denizens of the galaxy watch and wait with bated breath, hoping that whatever conflict is coming won’t bring about any more destruction than the last: a hope they know is false.

This is an exert from my latest Sci-Fi musing. More will be coming of both The Dewin of Tyyric and Mendacium, stay tuned.

With regards,


Follow me @simatricus for more high fantasy and science fiction writing.