Good luck with getting the order you want XD
Neither of us were the type to wait/"save ourselves for the right one" and we completely did not do things "in order", hell I wouldn't even have bothered with the marriage shenanigans if JJ hadn't wanted to. What we did think would be a good idea would be for us to graduate uni first but yeh even though the kids were planned they didn't happen on the timeline we'd set out, little sods XD (alright it was our faults, I was too abnormal for a thing that works for everyone else)
Think legal advantages to marriage depends on where you are. I think over here if you're related by blood or marriage you automatically inherit deceased estates unless some will stipulates otherwise.
But yeh because we ended up squeezing ours out unexpectedly early nobody had time to hammer us with annoying questions, so I can't give you any tips there unfortunately XD
I generally get low-level aggressive towards the asker whenever those questions arise in a conversation I'm involved in because seriously.
Hahahaha! I could always trust you for an interesting answer, mateychops! I guess you and JJ had to deal with a different set of questions haha I don't know about how it's like there, but having children while still studying here is a bit rougher during the earlier go. You guys have awesome children, so spoiler alert... great decision overall!
Not sure what you're getting at there? XD I kept getting asked if they were mine x_x and yeh totally don't recommend having kids while studying. To this day I don't know how JJ managed to graduate with such good grades. We had a toddler at the time and a baby that was born in the two weeks between the end of assessment period and the beginning of exam period x_x
Oh I just meant that the kids turned out great :D You and JJ look so young for your age so I'm not surprised. Talk about hectic! Why did you you follow gorc up so quickly!!
It was not intentional! I was aiming for at least a 2 year gap, ideally 3-5. Apparently pixie didn't want to wait that long. And the cubsta, well seems the burning desire to not be left out of anything at all was present since preconception because we were only going to have two. It's pretty obvious how he happened but he shouldn't have been able to happen so I guess we really were meant to have him XD