Broken Minded

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

broken minded cover.jpg

The night was cold, and the wind blew making my
skin burn and itchy. “God damn it! Where is she, I’m freezing!”
Corinne was supposed to be here, she promised; ever since
Adam came into the picture it was like I became the third
wheel. Still, it wasn’t like her to just not show up without a
phone call or text. I hope she remembered. I was standing at
the corner of Davis Ave, the street light changed about four
times and I saw maybe about seven cars pass by.
After another ten to fifteen minutes feeling irritated and
cold; I decided to just head back home dreading the walk back.
It's midnight, like an odd sense of fear comes over you than if
you was walking in the daylight. When I worked at the Family-Dollar
all the weirdo's came out like they were nocturnal or something.
I mean what is the point, the cops are out everywhere around
this time. But the last night before I quit there was a woman
that had track marks all over her body and came in to steal a
bag of sugar and a couple sunglasses, there were three men
in the parking lot selling drug cocktails.
Well so as I am walking; my mind started playing tricks
on me, you know when you start thinking about the worst
scenarios and then you start to get paranoid, then start to
believe you feel someone watching and follow your every
move. Well, that is me at this very moment looking back about
every five to six seconds or so. Then suddenly, I saw a
shadow out of the corner of my eye right at that abandon auto
shop that shut down about 2 years ago. It was dark with a
shade of street light since the Rite-Aid blocked most of any
light shining on the streets heading towards my house. I had
about four more blocks to go before I hit the huge steep hill to
the dead-end street that leads right to my front door. My pace
quickened as so did my heart rate.
Then “bam” it happened, it really happened I thought
this would never happen to me. Could this be really
happening; was I dreaming…… No! It can’t be……Yep, it is
happening……. I feel a smack on the back of my head, and
as I scream I hear his voice: A familiar voice, a voice I haven’t
heard in ten years. “What the hell” “Bam” I see his fist connect
to my temple everything goes black. As I start coming to, all I
can see is blackish gray images from the street lights flickering
as the vehicle passes. I try to move: I can’t. My body is
confined with what feels like rope or tape, I cannot tell from
the darkness, but I know I am tied with a heavy amount of it,
from the huge knots I can feel on my ankles and wrists, but
my mouth is free, I can speak. “What the fuck Is going on: who
are you, why are you doing this, where are you taking me?”


Welcome @novelist1989! Nice story, BW. My old short story -

Thank you so much @wiplala87 for taking the time to read my story, I am not sure who else will due to the content, but this is just the prologue. tomorrow I will be posting part of chapter one, So if you are into the story you can back tomorrow and check out my post, I will do the same! Have a great day
