Do you NaNo?

in #writing8 years ago

It is getting closer to November, and you know what that means…

You don’t?

Calling on the Community. Help determine my NaNoWriMo novel! My November fate is in your hands. NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, is that time of year when writers of all experience levels share the pain of trying to write a 50k word novel in the 30 days that are November.My friend @merej99 knows! She has already talked about it in her post,

Why? Well, they say that shared pain is easier to bear and I suppose that is true.

There are all types of word accumulating helps to be found in November. You can find writing sprints on Twitter, get help from the forums at with anything from plot bunnies to general chit-chat to give you a break from writing. It’s a friendly and fun place and there are forums that cover all genres, writing tools, and more. I have been a member at long enough that my user name is Irene. Yeah, just Irene. Look me up if you are participating. I could use a few more friends.

I participated in NaNoWriMo for the first time in 2003. I began writing on a plane as we left Seattle, Washington for the last time to head back to New York State. My novel was called A.P.E.S. in Space, and I won! There were some days towards the end of the month where I had to write an extreme number of words, but I did make it with only moments to spare. Over the years, I’ve won some, lost some, and skipped a couple of years entirely. But, geek that I am, every year when we get to about mid-October, I begin to think about what I wrill write in November.

Since my first attempt, I have managed to convince several friends to make the attempt as well, including @merej99

This year I will be writing a Fantasy novel. I don’t have a title yet, but maybe by the time I work out the plot, a title will come to me. The good thing is that this year I have the broad outline worked out, I’ve even come up with some sub-plot ideas. Once I manage to name my characters, I will be ready to go. I considered creating a new flash fiction collection, but I’ve decided to try one more time to write a good novel, one that can help me find an agent.

NaNoWriMo Participant Badge

We’ll see. In the meantime, I plan on writing as much flash as possible.

I’ve given my novel the working title of Castling (as suggested by my husband) but I haven’t made the cover yet. I will share it when I do.

A picture of Irene

Who is Irene P. Smith? I am an author, programmer, and web designer. A former Contributing Editor to PC Techniques Magazine, I have written about computers and programming since 1989, and began publishing fiction in 2003. My home is in New York State, along the Delaware River, where I live with my husband and son.

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You can also find me elsewhere on the web:


November isn't even here and I'm already exhausted! Well, not from writing or creating, but the stress of real life is horseshit. Ah, to leave this body behind and fly off into space and whatever adventures...with super powers of course! LOL
I've been updating the FL: Elsewhere calendar and keeping track of the engaged people there! Hopefully I don't let them down as a new ML. Anyway, the people have spoken and I'll be working on my dark thriller/suspense/fiction piece, Diary of a Black Widow.
Good luck, all who join! Remember, it's great to WIN, but the goal is to WRITE! :)

So I'll see you around at My working title is "Castling" and I'm having trouble holding back from writing it. So much so that I'm beginning to write some flash stories set in the story's world.

pssst - let's just consider that NaNo prep or... full sentence outlining. LOL
I won't tell if you don't! :D

Yes, that will do.

You're up early!

While I follow NaNoWriMo each year, I haven't actually participated, maybe this year will be different? I have some ideas

What have you got to lose? If you make it, you have a first draft, if you don't, you have more than you do now. If you decide to try it, send me a friend request.

You definitely should give it a try. It's fast and sloppy writing unless you've got a great outline to begin with. I'm a total pantser... writing whatever vomits out of my imagination and into my word doc. LOL

Thanks for this Irene, I've never heard of this; I'll check it now! :-)


Cool. If you do, send me a friend request.

If you join, you are more than welcome to add me as a writing buddy too. I'm merej99 pretty much everywhere. :) Hope to see you participating! :)

I will be participating. I'm not sure how I will do, but I will give it a go. I have a title, and general plot. Still working on it though. This will be my first year. I have followed you, as I would love to read about your progress.

Congratulations! We here on Steemit can commiserate with each other and maybe provide some encouragement.

Commiserations indeed! It's going to be a long month, but hopefully with something to show for it at the end.