Are these Natural Disasters really all that "Natural"?

in #world6 years ago


Something is not quite right with our earth. In the past month (or so) we have noticed that the main stream media a.k.a MSM have been reporting on events surrounding the ground. When they put it that way it does not sound so bad… or does it? Here is a timeline of some events that we feel when pointed out may make it easier to see what could be a “warning”! We feel that people should know about this and "keep an eye out" for similar events of this nature. Let’s go back to the beginning of April

April 3rd 2018 in Kenya (Africa):


A massive crack 50-foot-deep (in some areas) and up to 65 feet across appeared overnight in southwest Kenya. After heavy rains it appeared in the East African Rift Valley that runs from the Horn of Africa which contains countries like Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania all the way to Mozambique. There have been claims made that this could very well be the first of many signs that Africa is splitting into two continents. Now on to late April

April 27th, 2018 – Yellowstone National Park (USA):


Located in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho (it spreads over three states). Beneath Yellowstone is an underground super-volcano that is 44 miles across. A super-volcano eruption is capable of “plunging the world into a catastrophe” and pushing humanity “to the brink of extinction,” NASA researchers wrote in a 2015 study. "Steamboat Geyser" which can shoot water as high as 300 feet (91 meters) into the air, erupted on March 15, April 19 and on April 27th. You can view live webcams from Yellowstone. Up next…

April 30th 2018 – Rotorua (New Zealand) :


A crack measuring over 656 feet long and 98 feet wide as well as 65 feet deep (two football fields long and a six-story building deep) appeared overnight after ground breaking rainfall poured down on Sunday April 30th (6.6 inches in a 24-hour period with a little over 2 inches between 10 am to 11 am). This region has seen a month’s worth of rain within only 24 hours and this is now officially heaviest rain on record for this region in 50 years. Since this is the second crack found after a massive rainfall we figure "Maybe this has to do with the rain?" Which brings us to:

May 4th 2018 – Florida (USA):


Newsweek published an article Why do Sinkholes keep opening up in this Florida neighborhood?. Sinkholes occur in Florida more frequently than ANY other U.S. state but over the past week at least a dozen of these holes in the ground have opened up in only one single neighborhood in the central city of Ocala, 80 miles northwest of Orlando.


After looking into two major cracks that appeared in about a months time of each other and finding sinkholes that have developed to what feels like everywhere, we started to wonder…"Since we are aware that they can and HAVE modified our weather, could it be that the irregular amounts of rain fall and cracks appearing are apart of a big plan?" Which eventually brought us to:

May 4th 2018 – Hawaii (USA):


Shortly before 05:00 UTC on May 4, 2018 an eruption had begun in the Leilani Estates subdivision in the lower East Rift Zone of Kilauea Volcano with reports of a lava fountain shooting 150 feet in the air and molten lava spread out to 600 feet on the ground. The eruption began after 5.0 earthquake and could still last for months. Experts have been reported to have said that this shows similarities to another event back in 1955 that lasted for 88 days. You can see a full-time line of this event here.


We realize that events such as earthquakes happen all the time. A simple visit to Quakes can show that but we do also find the timing of these events to be far more frequent than before.

T.B.LWe really would like to hear about your thoughts, comments and/or concerns on this matter below. As always, thank you for taking your time to read our article. If you would like to view more of our work please visit our steemit page @truthbeyondlies or check out our website


Well, call me naive, but I think some of them are man made. Some set of people are playing pranks with the world. On the other hand, it could be natural. Just that the rate at which it happens, it's unbelievable

Your're not naive... If they are not man made, then man helped them form (IMO). I cannot speak for my partner (TBL is a team) but I feel that they cannot modify/manipulate the weather without some kind of consequence. The crack in Africa that just happened overnight makes me wonder if this is what happens when you mess with the weather. The people that are playing pranks with the world are hurting the world with what they are doing.

Yellowstone Park is probably the most dangerous park in the world. When it starts, the massacre is going to take place

Yes it is a very dangerous park. Personally I would never go there.


It is sad to say but I think that we will always have people that follow... There is a saying I heard a lot as a child "If your friends jump off a bridge would you?" The answer was always no, but that is what (some) people do, they follow.

Wow que cosas de la tierra no? me sorprenden mucho las grietas porque es lo que veíamos en las películas y al parecer no era tan falso, muy buena la informacion saludos a su grupo amigos @truthbeyondlies

You are right, this kind of stuff was seen in movies. I think in China they are looking into technology like the Minority Report....yeah that is not gonna be good.

Y creo que no sera mala idea buscar esta tecnología, es muy relevante este tema.

Right... makes me wonder if they can do this...what else can they do (that we do not know about). When I first started looking into matters like this I read that the governments have technology that is far more advance than what the general public knows about, seeing this makes me think that the person that said that was on to something.

I remember reading a TIME magazine article about a man who was dissolved in one of the "Hot Springs" of YellowStone Park. They say that there is a Volcano underneath the ground like in the movie "2012". My guess is that it is trying to break out of the earth and as it came closer to the surface it entered into the hotspring water turning it acidic over time.

Looked it up and apparently this even hit the MSM. It may be a bad thing when it gets to the point that they have to bring it out into the open. It usually means that they can no longer hide what follows next..

Wooow shocking images of the video, how sad it is when you live these things in many lygares of the world in different ways, where man has a lot to do.

What gets me is when we question something, they already have an answer... which makes me believe that they are behind all of it.

We are destroying the balance of earth, and so this imbalance causes these calamities. Many of them are man made.

We know exactly what you mean. Sometimes there is just so much going on that it is hard to keep up with it all. We have recently begun paying more attention to the weather because things just dont seem right. We highly doubt that anyone can honestly say that our weather is anything like it was growing up as children nomatter what generation that they are. By our count the last 10 years have been insane. Stumbled across this video from just April 2018 alone: