Most #dangerous places in the #world ☠🚫❌🚫❌☠ (Top Eight)

in #world7 years ago

8.-Kingdom of the elephants (Thailand)🐊☠

 For extreme tourists who instead of enjoying a quiet holiday prefer to face death, this tourist center was created, where visitors can feed hungry crocodiles who are gathered in a pond and tourists by means of extremely fragile rafts. they give the food, in spite of being an extremely dangerous activity, regularly receives a good amount of visitors in their Chinese majority and businessmen.

7.-Door to hell (Turkemistan)🔥

It is a hole that has been burning for more than a hundred years, since a group of Russian miners accidentally perforated a gas tank that began to rise to the surface, due to the contamination produced by the gas in the air the animals that live around They were beginning to die so they decided to set it on fire waiting for the weeks of burning all the gas but to their surprise it was not because of the large amount of gas contained there, it is so dangerous that it has been thought to cover it but so far It's still burning.

6.- Island of the snakes (Brazil)🐍

This site is known worldwide as the island of snakes, just need to walk a few meters in this place to run into any of them, including there is a type of snake that does not exist anywhere else that is considered the most poisonous in the world, regularly feeds on birds but its poison is so powerful that it is able to melt human flesh easily, the local government as a form of precaution has forbidden to disembark there and a lighthouse has been built that serves as a warning so that no one approaches.

5.-Desert of Danakil (Ethiopia)

With a land of salt and sulfur, poisonous gases of volcanic origin, salty lakes, frequent earthquakes and temperatures that regularly exceed 50 ° C the danakil desert seems to come from another planet, it is such a dangerous region that it is forbidden to enter if it is not It goes with an experienced guide because whoever enters this place runs the risk of not coming out alive.

4.-Karachay Lake (Russia)

This site is considered the most polluted in the world, for decades it was used by the old sobietica as a nuclear waste deposit until it became so radioactive that only walking around for an hour was enough to kill a person, besides that the fish began to mutate, the plants changed color, and in populations of the area they increased the cases of leukemia, malformations of birth and more than half of the inhabitants had symptoms of radiation poisoning, although the fund has been covered with concrete and it is said that you can visit without dying so quickly, I do not recommend this place.

3.-African lake of death (Congo and Rwanda)🐪☠

This lake in which around there are population of people, has in the background 300 cubic kilometers of carbon dioxide and 60 of methane, gases so dangerous that they remain under water only due to the pressure although according to scientists these could be released by a volcanic eruption, which would kill a large number of people by asphyxia.

2.-Naples (Italy)

Although it seems that this beautiful and ancient city is a safe place, the reality is that it is 18 kilometers away from a dangerous super volcano that keeps a lot of lava under the surface, in recent years it has shown greater activity on its part. they consider that with a small eruption it would be enough to cause a disaster and, if that were not enough, the same volcano that destroyed the city of Pompeii that is still considered active is still nearby.

1.-Cape tribulation (Australia)🐝

In the beautiful beaches of this region lives a marine wasp that has a poison so powerful that it is capable of killing you in two minutes, apart from that the tribulation cape is full of dangerous crocodiles, besides there is a type of bird that is capable of killing you from only one leg and if with the animals there was not enough in this place there is a type of plant that can make you vomit of the pain just by touching it.
