[WEEK 223] I am not a person who takes extreme points of view, but here I define myself. Vegetarianism, yes or no?

Good morning friends of weekend experiences, here I am with my chosen topic. In this post @galenkp explains how to be part of his weekend engagement initiative and leaves us some topics to talk about during the weekend. I chose the topic :

Would you ever embrace the vegan diet and if so why, and if not why not? Use your own photos.


You will see why...

As a concrete answer to this question, my answer is a resounding NO. Why? That's more complex. Because I have been a vegetarian in the past (and for many years, really) as I always expose in my topics, you have to be on several sides to understand the whole situation, and that is why I would not choose it again.

My path to vegetarianism happened at a very young age. There were things I didn't like to eat and I would discard them from my plate. Over the years this grew and I came to a vegetarianism that was chosen, but poorly handled. On the one hand, I was never proud of not eating meat, this was simply a matter of taste, it was never for animal care, which I totally respect, but still. Today the knowledge we have is different and for example, we can buy eggs from 'happy hens' or in better terms, well cared for and raised.


On the other hand, I love cooking, even what I don't eat. When I was a vegetarian, I cooked meats for the rest of the diners but I did not eat it, this gave me a touch of expertise on the subject, I knew what was the cooking point and how to season, even knowing that I would not taste it.

In my personal experience, vegetarianism brought me several health problems, and with great care and with the help of experts who cooked for me and took precautions, I went back to eating meat 13 years ago, after 11 years of not eating meat. I came back very slowly, giving it the chance that I don't have to like everything. For example, I have not been able to make friends with fish, except for tuna, which fascinates me.


However, I developed a taste and enjoyment for vegetables and their combinations, which I can say is unique. I don't feel special, but definitely many of my meatless recipes dazzle my guests, and also to try, I delve into vegan recipes, and although this is another extreme, it is also fun to learn. Now, I went back to eating meat, besides the health issues, for the simple inclusion. I got tired of being invited to barbecues, or get-togethers and not knowing or being able to enjoy sharing. I always brought my own food.


It was becoming difficult, if not impossible, to eat in a place that wasn't my home. And while coming back wasn't easy either, it did make me better. In fact, in just 20 days I noticed physical changes. The truth is that even today, my body does not digest meat very easily, but I combine it with salads or dishes made up of various things, and I maintain a balanced food intake.

I am not an expert on the subject, neither on proteins, nor on what is necessary for each body to include in their diets or dishes, but at least I know my body and my needs. Very quickly I realize when I want to eat more meats, and savor a stew, a milanesa, chicken, etc.. And always looking for that balance, knowing that I can eat out, without needing to carry or make my food to my whim all the time.


I decided to include myself in a friendlier world, and when I feel like remembering those vegetarian recipes, and eating lots of vegetables, I can do it with pleasure. Knowing that it is not the only thing in this world. I wish you a good Saturday, around here I'm going to enjoy a lit grill today, so the topic came just in tune, and being already 10am, I'm going to go buy the charcoal and prepare a vermouth. Greetings, community! Have a nice weekend!


Thanks for reading me, Kiki✨


Let's talk on Discord: littlesorceress #8877

I own the rights to all the photos I used in this post

Pictures taken with a Samsung A42 & Nikon D3200📷

I use

DeepLearning for translations
Canva for editions


In my personal experience, vegetarianism brought me several health problems,

I am glad you recovered.

I went vegetarian for 12 months, because of this girl I was with.
That was a mistake.
Today, I buy beef locally, from the farmer next door.

How nice to be able to buy locally, from someone who is close to you and you know how they do their job! I admire that. What I don't consider valid is to change certain food for someone, I mean, in my vegetarian time I was very respectful with the rest, I didn't eat that, but you can eat it without any problem. Generally I was the problem xD we needed to make sure that at lunch time, there was going to be a dish without meat.

I am also thankful that I recovered, today I feel cared for, and full of good health. Thank you for your words @felixxx 😊