Suspected Scammer WAX Addresses

in #waxlast year (edited)

Over the course of the last three months numerous users have either attempted to scam me and other members of the WAX community out of NFTs.

<p dir="auto">Please note this list <strong>is not canonical there are many other WAX addresses out there used to send scam and unfair trades. Do your <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">due diligence on every trade, and if you are unsure do not accept the trade! <pre><code>..gog.c.wam ..j3e.c.wam .4x4c.c.wam 2ooo4.c.wam 45goo.c.wam 4huaw.wam 4nq4a.c.wam atocmimarket atocmimarkte atomcimerket atomcioffers atomicmerkta atomiomerket bm34e.c.wam ggggggogcwam j4som.c.wam j514a.c.wam jjaoc.c.wam marketmoffer mgsom.c.wam qesog.c.wam qkw4m.c.wam s4w4m.c.wam sfr4i.c.wam w5xoa.c.wam xrbns.c.wam <p dir="auto">I will update this list when I discover more account sending unfair and scam trades. <h2>Update: 2023-05-09 <p dir="auto"><span>The following users have been investigated with help from <a href="/@ixposauro">@ixposauro, <a href="/@shauniop69">@shauniop69 and others in the WAX community. <pre><code>.4x4c.c.wam 4nq4a.c.wam qesog.c.wam sfr4i.c.wam w5xoa.c.wam xrbns.c.wam <h2>Update: 2023-05-12 <p dir="auto">Added <code>45goo.c.wam<span> based upon research by <a href="/@ixposauro">@ixposauro. <h2>Update: 2023-10-07 <p dir="auto">Added <code>j514a.c.wam as alt of <code>4huaw.wam.

I'll try to let communities on WAX aware of the situation, and redirect them here. Great work @scetrov

I am doing research as well. Will let you'll know.