The National Anthem at Sporting Events is Silly. Stop It.

in #war7 years ago

I have the solution to the current distraction filling the news cycle. Let's just stop the silly tradition of playing a national anthem at sporting events.

There is nothing in the US Constitution requiring a National anthem. There is nothing in the US Constitution requiring a national anthem to be played before sporting events. There is nothing in the US Constitution about standing, sitting, or kneeling during a national anthem.

The US Constitution DOES require Congress, the representatives of the people, "To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water."


Congress has not declared any wars or issued any letters of Marque and Reprisal since World War II.
Which is more important, following some made up tradition that is never mentioned in the US Constitution, or following the US Constitution itself? For those who served in the military, I'd ask you to look at the oath you took when joining the armed forces one more time before answering that question.

The reason the US Constitution requires a declaration of war from Congress and the people is because under the previous rule of Kings and Queens, nations would go to war at the whim of a sole leader.

Because we now care more about silly traditions regarding anthems at sporting events, our country is currently in the position that a President can drop nuclear bombs on North Korea without a word from Congress or the people, which is in direct conflict with the US Constitution and the oath of service and oath of office that our soldiers and politicians all swear to.

President Obama and his murderous policies of using drones to drop bombs on US citizens and innocent foreigners in 9 different countries without a declaration of war or letters of marque and reprisal has continued a legacy that would allow Trump to drop a nuke on North Korea. Stop arguing about a stupid national anthem and start arguing about upholding and defending our US Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic, including both Obama and Trump.


Hello my friend. I am afraid the damage has already been done. Now that politics has filtered into sports, it has taken the fun out of the game. Maybe it says something about being part of a team. You know all for one and one for all. Regardless, the NFL has now become another blood sport for the media.
Any progress on selling your place? See you soon. 🐓🐓

Yes, you are right. I mostly try to avoid talking politics, but sometimes it gets the better of me. Old habits die hard, which is probably why we can't just let a game be a game any more.

I do have a buyer for my place, we're just waiting for a vacation to end so a background and credit check can be done and she can be approved for the lot rent. 10 more days or so and I'll be off. I hope. :) Thanks!

That's great news. I am so happy for you. Fingers crossed. 🐓🐓

Well said. I wish that people would take a look at the bigger picture instead of fighting over silly things. It just as American to kneel as it is to stand in my opinion, there are a lot bigger fish to fry! Thanks for another perspective on this :)

Thank you. I think the people in this country tend to be distracted easily by small things and rarely debate the bigger issues. And even with the stuff they do fight over, they often don't consider there might be more than two sides to the issue. Sports is entertainment, why are we even playing the anthem in the first place? We don't stand for the anthem before movies or concerts. I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I just find the whole thing silly.

Maybe the problem is that we let the politicians and/or the MSM decide what political topics will be discussed and when.

I agree wholeheartedly with your post, and irritate people to no end and every school function or any event, by not standing like an idiot for a song or pledge. Like they really matter!??

Please ask me why: any one of you puppets... Sadly few do, mostly get dirty looks, sometimes not so gentle nudges.

We have regressed to a Nation of intellectual infants that have to be told what to think, when to think it, when to stand, when to sit, and when to feel outrage, and where to direct it.

Yes, that is definitely a big part of the problem, letting others do the thinking for us. I can't remember the last time I was at something where they played the anthem. If I'm not in the bathroom I'll probably just stay seated.

Thanks, it's nice to know I'm not so rare with my views on this.