Why I'm Bullish on $TLRY

in #walllstreetbets4 years ago

So I really am a huge retard that's either gonna make or break it with the meager cash I do have.

Basically I'm betting everything on 4/20.

Yep, that's it.

I read a couple other DD's on TLRY and I remember something about weed legislations that are pending, and oh, 4/20, 4/20, and 4/20

So I'm currently 100 @ $23.30 and I'm about to buy 10 call contracts with $21 strike that'll expire 4/23. This is my first options play.

This literally is my rent money going into those contracts, so if this goes tits up I really am fucked for a bit.

This is absolutely not financial advice and you shouldn't bet what you're not willing to lose. To me, the risk is minimal and the chance of reward is actually quite high. I'm expecting the price to go to at least $25.

TL;DR: $TLRY 4/20 = $$$