Walkwithme.... Commercialized

Ok people so we are on the 18 January 2018, and I have just been to a supermarket and seen EASTER EGGS, yes that's right EASTER EGGS!! Really, we have just got over Christmas... For F..K Sake (sorry for the words) lets just get over one celebration at a time! Give us parents time to breath before having to think of another expense. More so in January when things are financially tight for a lot of people out there.

Oh then comes April, just getting over celebrating Easter and then its Halloween and Guy-Fawkes. When will all this commercialized nonsense stop. Yes I completely understand that supermarkets need to make money to stay afloat, but so do us normal working folk. The years are flying by so fast as it is, but it seems to go such faster with everything being put on display 3 months before it needs to.

Bring back the old days when we use to enjoy the run up to Christmas and things were put on display in December, when you use to enjoy the Christmas Movies and songs. Not when people on the first of January put on Facebook only 360 days to go before Christmas... STOP, I use to love the festive seasons, but no longer do.



It’s definitely a bit of a merry go round isn’t it?

That it sure is John. Thanks for the upvote

Or we could just sell Easter Eggs 365 days a year and i'd be so so fat it would be unreal ha ha

I’m sure you could get Easter eggs all year round if it was up to you ha

@southafricangirl yeah its pretty sad how we are just sold on commercialism but people do it like sheep cos we are shaped to accept is as the norm and it seems as we go through the generations the pressure that young people face to keep up with the latest tech gadgets etc is just crazy. I see people go from one xmas to another still paying of the loan that they had for the last xmas. Pretty sad but people keep buying. By the way I like chocolate, cookies, cakes and well anything chocolate but I will be happy with a cadbury's creme egg :)

We need to bitch slap someone