[Magicka 2] Worth the buy?

in #videogame7 years ago

Magicka 2 is a game released on steam, the sequel to the first. I have never played the first, and as such I cannot hold this game to the first's standards, which is what a decent amount of negative ideas with this game come from. That being said, lets get to it!

Magicka 2 feels like a well polished, fun to play little game, that is pretty simple in premise; you have a bunch of elements as different buttons, and you combine them to make cool spells. I for one extremely dislike the control schemes that include using your entire keyboard and memorizing different combos, because I just do not find it fun or worth the time. That being said, Magicka 2 is the only game I have played that sort of pulls it off, and that is in part because it is so casual and different. I really don't care if I accidentally freeze an enemy instead of release a circle of rocks around them, because both are cool, and it isn't competitive/some MMO. That being said, it is still a little clunky because of this, and unless you spend time learning the game well, you will never really get amazing at it.

It is a perfect game to play online with a couple friends, where you can jump in together and play the campaign and just have fun and freeze each other or do whatever friends do.

Slowly, The game becomes much more about messing around with your friends than accomplishing anything, and that is ok. Playing on a controller for this game as opposed to a mouse and keyboard may actually be easier, just as a note.

The graphics are fun and polished, the soundtrack is decent, it's not horribly long, but it has enough length to have some fun in it, and overall is a good time.

One problem besides the chunkiness of the controls is that it has the feeling that keeps nagging you that you are playing some mobile/flash game. It just has that feeling to it, with the overly simplistic everything, that makes it slightly less immersive for longer play sessions.

Overall, it's worth the buy on sale, but not full price. Alone is decent fun, but with friends is where the game really shines.