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RE: Flu vaccine and a real life adverse reaction

in #vaccines8 years ago

Thank you for spreading your story. I worry every time I hear that a person I know is bringing their kid in for their shots. They are toxic and the people who don't show reactions are still being poisoned. And for the people that do have reactions, it is too late. The pharma companies have protection from prosecution. A child's dose is the same as a full sized adult. They make soooooo much money with these vaccine campaigns it is sick, people do it for 10% off groceries- To me it is crazy. I am all for natural immunity built through environmental contact. our bodies are made to fight germs, not made to inject heavy metals and chemicals. The "vaccine book" has the ingredients listed and some are pretty disturbing-"COW SERUM" hmmmm. I don't trust it....
40 child vaccine deaths MHRA confirmjpg.jpg


Thanks for being an advocate. Please continue to speak out!!