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RE: Vaccines DO NOT STOP Disease!

in #vaccines7 years ago


Civil liability is a consumer protection. In the past, civil liability has protected us from wealthy tobacco corporations selling cigarettes that were once endorsed by doctors and the U.S. government. Civil liability has protected us from defective cars and toys and food and drugs that have passed federal licensing and safety standards.

If your child is harmed or killed by a vaccine you cannot sue the manufacturer of the vaccine or the doctor.

If your child is harmed or killed by a vaccine, you’re on your own for medical expenses and therapies.
If you think VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) will provide a safety net, guess again. Two of every three submissions are excluded and the cases that are accepted linger in court for years. The system is designed to make you give up.
Having said that, for those brave parents who fought to the end, more than 3 BILLION has been paid out in compensation. Where does the money in VAERS come from?
From YOU – every vaccine has an excise tax (from $.75 – $2.25 depending on the vaccine) that you pay. Shouldn’t the drug companies pay that? Silly me, that would take money from the lobbyists!

Since 1989 vaccine injury compensations exceed 3 Billion paid for by those receiving vaccines.

"Unavoidably Unsafe"

There are some 5,000 petitions alleging a causal link between certain vaccines and autism spectrum disorders that are currently pending in an omnibus proceeding in the Court of Federal Claims (Vaccine Court).

The vaccine industry cannot survive in a free market, but needs the government to prop them up. In the 1980s there were so many lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies for vaccine damages, that the vaccine industry blackmailed Congress by threatening to get out of the vaccine business unless they passed legislation protecting them from lawsuits. Congress obliged, and legislation was passed preventing the public from suing pharmaceutical companies for damages due to vaccines, and this law was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2011. The pharmaceutical industry now has a free pass to put as many vaccines into the market place as they want to, regardless of efficacy or dangerous side effects, since there is no accountability left in the judicial system.

Today, the pharmaceutical industry is practically a branch of the government. The government awards grants from your tax dollars to research new vaccines, the FDA approves them, and then government organizations like the CDC and UNICEF purchase the vaccines with your tax dollars. The CDC even holds patents and earns royalties on vaccines, and many of the top scientists work for both the government and the pharmaceutical companies. Julie Gerberding, for example, was the head of the CDC from 2002 to 2009, and then took over as head of the pharmaceutical company Merck’s vaccine division overseeing billions of dollars in sales. The government definitely has a vested interest in protecting the vaccine market.