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RE: Vaccines DO NOT STOP Disease!

in #vaccines7 years ago

What is science?


What does science prove?
Who are the scientists? Operation paperclip type? Erich Traub?
What if the claims are false? Doctors recommended smoking camel cigarettes because of science!!
Most studies are funded by drug thugs most of which make false claims and have been sued.
What if the observer is wrong?
Being paid? incentives? bonuses?
Are the studies done properly? true double blind placebo controlled?
The egg is good the egg is bad lol
Milk does a body? really designer milk?
Cholesterol is bad? yes if its oxidized!! oxLDL
Science is making our food, fats, oils, sugar and chemicals to spray on our food and in the air.
bioweapons? nanotechnology? nanobots?
Science is based on all of these which can be flawed, sometimes we don't find out for awhile.

SV40 ring a bell?
Science is killing us by the millions and drug thugs are making billions treating our symptoms !

FOR NOW Science is in the wrong hands


Trite. You wrote all that yourself?

I would implore you to exercise basic literacy when it comes to data analysis and English; it helps with accuracy -- that is if you are concerned at all with that. It is evident you do not understand the philosophy of science since you need to ask such basic questions of it while also misconstruing it altogether.

Do you have any background in the subject matter, or are you reading off of sensationalized headlines and reiterating them to turn a profit by being deliberately misleading? Do you have a degree in any scientific discipline, or would that just be part of a grander conspiracy? Do you have ANY qualifications to issue such grand claims -- anything at all to help corroborate your brazen shit-talking about myself and colleagues who have dedicated their lives to improving the quality of life of ungrateful curmudgeons such as yourself?

"Science" isn't some central force, or boogeyman that you can just point to and demonize while posturing yourself as virtuous for outing it erroneously.

Also, good sidestep from addressing any of my initial concerns or questions; good burden of proof reversal and putting the onus on me. This is evident you know you are at fault for your actions.

You are being fraudulent and exploiting people's fears for money on Steemit, while you simultaneously accuse others of exploiting fear for profit and assume malice of those in the sciences.

Also, what the fuck does "Milk does a body?" mean? Asking for a friend...
