Understanding the difference between cause and effect .
Everyday millions of children are lined up and injected with toxic putrid substances grown on animal organs, cancer cells, aborted fetuses and other toxic substances. Few people are questioning how those viruses were obtained and how they were grown in a laboratory. If one would ask these sensible questions, one would become very enlightened about vaccine production.
Any medical professional who believes that it is justified to inject known neurotoxins, antibiotics, antigens, preservatives, adjuvants, stabilizers, buffers, emulsifiers, polysorbate 80, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, live viruses, egg protein, human DNA, human cell lines from aborted infants, and protein from human blood into any person to prevent any disease is completely misguided, misinformed, deluded and ignorant of any logic regarding human health.
"In 1993 a high court judge in the UK decided that it was impossible to know the exact contents of vaccines and that science had no idea what the cocktail of chemicals, contaminants and heavy metals contained in vaccines could do to the human body, or why they would work to prevent disease." -- British Medical Journal, 1993.
To take the result of a disease and claim it will prevent disease was and is absurd.
Toxoids prevent toxins?
Poison prevents poison ?
Cow pus prevents small pox ?
That's like saying pimple pus prevents pimples