Utopian Rules Update #8: Dropped CrowdIn Support. English Only and More.

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


Due to the huge number of contributions and abuses, Utopian constantly improves its rules. We are announcing here another significant update that aims to increase the quality of contributions and simplify the moderation process . Contributors have 48 hours before having to bind to the new rules.

Binding To The Rules

You have 48 hours from the date and time of this announcement before having to bind to the new rules. Every contribution that does not meet the updated rules after Friday 2, 6PM CET will be rejected.

Significant Changes

Below the most significant updates. More updates apply than the ones reported on this post, find all the updated rules on https://utopian.io/rules


Contents of the contributions will always have to be in english.

  • Tutorials, Video Tutorials and Blog Posts can now only be in english.

Dropped CrowdIn Support

Due to the lack of a comprehensive CrowdIn API, Utopian needs to drop its support. Contributions in the translations category will only be accepted when submitted via Github. This may be a temporary solution until Utopian can find better ways to scale in supporting CrowdIn.

Affected Categories

Find below the categories affected by these rules changes and the current requirements.

More updates apply than the ones reported on this post, find all the updated rules on https://utopian.io/rules


  • This category is meant only for translations you have created or updated for an Open Source project.
  • You must translate a minimum of 1000 words per translation contribution.
  • Text that is supposed to remain untranslated (links, code, paths, ...) or duplicated strings/text can't be included in the minimum amount of words.
  • You could translate less than the minimum amount of words if the project itself has less to be translated in total. May lead to a lower vote.
  • Entire translations are always preferred. If you are writing about a partial translation we reserve the right to evaluate the actual work.
  • If it is obvious that you can't properly write in the source language of the translation, your contribution will be rejected.
    Translations must be provided as a Pull Requst on the GitHub repository.
  • The Pull Request must have been merged within the past 14 days.
  • Updates on Own Projects can be committed directly, without a Pull Request. Commits must not be older than 14 days.
  • Your GitHub username must match that on Utopian. If it does not, you must add your Utopian username in your GitHub profile.
  • You must include every possible detail to check your translation and the tools you have used to translate.
  • Same translations from different authors will be accepted if the moderator can recognise the newest translation has better quality.
  • If the provided translation is obviously machine-translated for more than 20% or has low quality, it will be rejected.
  • Proof-reading is not acceptable in Utopian as a valid contribution.


  • In the development category you can submit Bug Fixes, New Features and your Own Projects.
  • Contributions must have a comprehensible commit history. Larger projects or updates submitted in a single commit will not be accepted.
  • Outdated or low quality code can lead to rejection.
  • Generated code or other results of automated processes will not be accepted.
  • Submitted projects must have a unique value. Redundant projects will not be accepted.
  • Trivial code snippets, example code or simple templates will not be accepted.
  • Bug Fixes and New Features must be submitted via Pull Requests. >- The Pull Request must have been merged within the past 14 days.
  • Updates on Own Projects can be committed directly, without a Pull Request. Commits must not be older than 14 days.
  • Bug Fixes for your Own Projects will not be accepted, unless the Bugs were caused by third party dependencies.
  • Your Utopian account must be connected to your GitHub account.


  • Video Tutorials must be technical instructions that teach non-trivial aspects of an Open Source project.
  • Design or video editing related tutorials, gameplay, simple on-screen instructions, ubiquitous functions (Save, Open, Print, etc.) or basic programming concepts (variables, operators, loops, etc.) will not be accepted.
  • Your contribution can be rejected if the moderator provides a link to another tutorial that covers the same topic better.
  • You must mention your Utopian username at the beginning of the video.
  • Video Tutorials using a machine voice will be rejected.
  • The video and audio recording must be in HD (min. 720p).
  • You must host the video on YouTube or DTube and embed it in your post.
  • The video can not be older than 14 days.
  • If you provide a text version of your tutorial, you need to include it or a link to it in your post. You can not submit a separate contribution in the Tutorial category.
  • If you create a GitHub repository with additional material (like code samples), make sure to choose the repository of the project your tutorial is about and not your own repository. You can provide links to your repository in your post.


  • This category is meant only for graphics/videos/motion graphics that you have realised for an open source project.
  • The contribution must be a direct result of your own work. It is strictly prohibited to modify other people’s work/assets or use a template and claim it as yours.
  • T-shirts and merchandising are generally not valid contributions in Utopian.
  • You must include every possible detail in your contributions to verify the work is done by you.
  • A contribution must contain the final file of your work, sample of the work, applications of your work, comparison to the existing product, and benefits of your work to the project owner.
  • Graphics contributions can be delivered in .psd, .ai, .cdr or any other universally accepted file format except logo designs. Those must be delivered in a vector file (e.g. .eps/.svg/.pdf) for flexibility and scalability, and .png file format.
  • Logo design contributions must contain the actual logo (logomark/logotype), the logo in a form of an icon, logo variations in terms of size and colour (monochrome and full-colour versions). >- You can see some examples of good contributions here, here, and here.
  • Any text or fonts must be converted into shapes or “outlined”.
  • You must provide credit to all third-party images/assets you have used in your contribution and make sure that you have permission to use them for commercial use. (images, videos, fonts, 3D models etc.)
  • Intro videos are acceptable only if the project has already had an intro video before and your contributed video is of a better quality.
  • It is highly recommended that you promote your work to the project owner.
  • Banners, header images and other assets for use on social media platforms are not valid contributions at the moment.
  • Designs are preferred to be in a vector format unless the project owner specifies a different format.

Bug Hunting

  • In this category you can submit Bug Reports for actively maintained Open Source projects on GitHub.
  • The repository on GitHub must accept issues.
  • Bug Reports for projects in pre-alpha stage will not be accepted.
  • Cosmetic issues, that do not affect the functionality of the software, will not be accepted.
  • You must provide sufficiant detail to reproduce the bug.
  • Add screenshots, video recordings or animated GIFs, if they can help to understand the bug. [SOFT]
  • Include information about your technical environment such as >- Device, Operating System, Browser and Application versions.
  • Bugs must be found on the latest released version of the application.
  • If you or someone else submitted the issue on GitHub first, the Bug Report will not be accepted. Approved Bug Reports will automatically be published on GitHub.
  • Your Utopian account must be connected to your GitHub account.

Utopian Community-Driven Witness

We are made of developers, system administrators, entrepreneurs, artists, content creators, thinkers. We embrace every nationality, mindset and belief.

Utopian.io is the first Community-Driven Witness. Every decision will be taken as per the consensus of the entire community using our public Discord server and soon via a public voting system.


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This is a smart move! I can see lots of users abuse the system just to get rewards. English only is the rule Number 1!
Quality over quantity!

Is this a utopia for English speaking people only?

Well... I am Chinese, but I love Utopian!

I am probably misunderstanding this completely.

New rules are a welcome relief from basic programming tutorials. However, we still need rules on electronics tutorials(mostly using Arduino)

Looks neat now. No more basic tutorials now. 🐶😋

This is huge announcement.
This will definitely bring down the number of contributions and will surely enforce quality.

definitely it will, i think this is call for though, i am not a mod but most times i just love reading mostly tecky things or related to in order to enhance my brain and tecky knowledge, utopian tag is the number one spot for that,
i find out most contributions are not English , and the way it is structured just feels like there are lots of things i am missing, cause i can't understand anything.

yes i agree with you but i think we need more informations about how to start translating open source projects on Github?? its compliected and won't help deveoloppers i contacted a project owner today; and he told me that crowdin is more helpful for him to add the translation to his project. So brother if you have any other more details about how to work on Github just let me know. thanks in advance.

Damn! GitHub is not very user-friendly:-(

Translators are most often humanitaries and not tech-geeks, it will be too hard for us. I think we need detailed guide, how to make a translation on GitHub and then to "merge it" (or how you called this process).

I agree with you! Waiting for more detail guide!

Yeah that's true, Github is insanely NOT intuitive

How do you usually do translations? What is the workflow I mean.

Crowdin. And now I have no clue where is the original text for translation located at Github or how can I propose my translation for the project. Commits, branches, pull requests... Where is "translate" button here?
Guys, I know English and Russian but I don't know this dev's slang.

I do not know what to write to github. help me

Me too... will be waiting for quality manual.

lol i did not use utopian-io anymore, its too complicated

i don't know to translate on github too!!!! i made 2 translations before 3 days and i'm still waiting an answer from @utopian-io .. it's unfair for the projects we did before this rules!!

Binding To The Rules
You have 48 hours from the date and time of this announcement before having to bind to the new rules. Every contribution that does not meet the updated rules after Friday 2, 6PM CET will be rejected.

Always listening always understanding, thanks for your hard work supervisors & nmoderators. blep blep ^^

@utopian-io Still trying to understand utopian. I noticed under graphics, this wording:

The contribution must be a direct result of your own work. It is strictly prohibited to modify other people’s work/assets or use a template and claim it as yours.

What about creative commons work, that relies heavily upon others modifying earlier work? This should probably be written as an exception in the new rules.

These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
That means: you can copy, share, print, edit, re-interpret, remix and use freely even for commercial purposes

As I understand, one thing is to be allowed to change a work.
Something else is to claim complete authoring on a work that was a modification over a previous work.

Tough call. Nevertheless a call that need to be done. The thing that comes to mind is the definition of 'Done'in Scrum. It evolves.

The same thing with Utopian, the definition of 'approved' evolves to ensure quality.

Yes , respect for quality right now .no more basic tutorial :)

Yeap. just a decent tutorial. which can help others to understand the project. Cheer

You are absolutely right buddy @podanrj

Can not understand the line please.explain.
No link given.

Please read all the rules in https://utopian.io/rules

here some example how to provided some logos.Hi @masudrana you can see

Oh.man awsome thank you @podanjr

This is communication between the project owner and me in github:

No way to do pull request directly in github.

thanks for making utopian better

for people who do not understand English is a disadvantage because they will not be able to contribute to the platform. If someone was learning with a series of tutorials written in a language other than English, they will no longer be able to continue learning.

you are too difficult for beginners in utopian, is utopian only for people who have fluent ability to speak english?

for those of you who are used to talking every day is not difficult this new rule, but what about users in countries who every day use their own local language. is there no other way? :/

This is great news for everyone! Thanks you for making utopian better.

Thanks for your sincere efforts to make a stable platform. Although these rules affect me "negatively", I still support your efforts to make a healthy workplace ;)

Which part effects you negatively?

I've just started working in CrowdIn...

What is the way forward to making utopian multilingual? I understand there are a lot of logistical challenges, i'm just interested how more paths for access can be maintained in the future? Seems like applications in major languages like Mandarin and Spanish should be a future priority, my speculation / peace

We need to organise the teams based on the languages they are capable to speak first. This will require both process and system changes. In the meantime we had to focus on english only to avoid moderation mistakes or abuses.

Sounds very reasonable, thank you !

I think we as a community should write an email to crowdin showing them this, so they can see we are a very active group and work towards getting back utopian support.

If most of us contact them I think they can fix the issues with utopian.

100% agreed, without crowdin translations will be close to none

@utopian-io nice update, but I hope tutorials post should have been approved of different language other than the English which is national official language of each country.

There are many similar ones with different languages. Doesn’t really make sense to have the same post with different languages. English is universal, and translating English to regional language is much easier for the user who would want to read the tutorials. So I believe this is a good move to make only English.

@manishmike10 machine translations are hard to understand and it might not be correct. Well we can add few languages except english,if we can't include all. Like major populations which has different language as Chinese,spanish,japanese,etc.

Thanks @utopian-io for support utopian..

this is indeed really good!!!

Dropped crowdin support would make confusion. How to deal with PR which is created by crowdin? I think that it can be acceptable if it is merged on github.

Contents of the contributions will always have to be in english.

Thank God, at last, I mean yeah, contributions of any language were nice for spreading the word, but might have been a pain in the ass for quality control. I can understand if you'd trade accessibility for better QA.

English is universal, and translating English to regional language is much easier for the user who would want to read the tutorials. So I believe this is a good move to make only English.

How can translations be submitted via github?

Via a PR or commits if you are the owner of the project.

Do you have an example of a translation contribution using only github?

and if you are a contributor.??§§ how to translate the project. how to know if you are language added or not to the project;

Sad to hear that CrowdIn support is going to be dropped!

Thats the spirit!

That's very good news. It'll be more quality now.

Hi @utopian-io I can see you good heart and hardwork to support steemians. That's why I upvoted you as one of the good witnesses. May you continue to support us! @jejes

Although it is tough enough ,but it indeed makes me improved .i will try my best to add more quality contributions .Especially thanks @manishmike10

wow i glad of you..keep spirit
and always smile

I do not know what to write to github

I do not know what to write here, I'm a newbie, I'm waiting for 2 hours to press 'enter'

try to find the translation of this project in another language and get the github link of that post. thats all

You need to find a repository in github to contribute.


You can type the project name in utopian search and you will get its github link

Hey I'm having issues with my login for DTUBE is says my username doesn't exist ? any ideas on how to resolve this ?

I'm sure it will be better
Je suis sûr que ce sera mieux

Steemit all the way.
Great post tnx for sharing I just upvoted.
Check out my new posts if you can plz
upvote resteem comment @gclipse

I think your new only English rule bad

Not only because I have only posted in German.
But because I think that you are now very limited your world so open page !!!

It would be better if you would rather get competent bilingual moderators.

The then responsible for the respective contributions are French, Dutch, Spanish .....

I know that you have a lot of work.
But do not fight that a better solution.

Now with all the newcomers.
Are certainly very competent people here.

Man could look for the best together let's say in a challenge.
Or something similar

or several Utopians.io pages created for the respective language. (But this is probably unreachable)

Understood @utopian-io, but, why blog-posts and tutorials can only be in english? There's a lot of users that speak another languages, so there's a good potential market with them. With all due respect, I think this messure goes one step backwards on the evolution of working.