Sorry, I'm a bit naive on the workings of utopian stuff. I just assumed that since I had to pick a project as a part of the submission process that it would somehow include a link.
Yeah, it was a huge oversight on my part. It didn't even occur to me that it might be a problem until I was away from the computer that has my keys, so I had to wait until the end of the day to get home and fix it.
Sorry, I'm a bit naive on the workings of utopian stuff. I just assumed that since I had to pick a project as a part of the submission process that it would somehow include a link.
I have no idea about Utopian-io stuff, but what good is reading about a project if id don't know where to find find it?
I mean, I could google it... but that takes effort.
And thank you for adding a link.
Yeah, it was a huge oversight on my part. It didn't even occur to me that it might be a problem until I was away from the computer that has my keys, so I had to wait until the end of the day to get home and fix it.