Relay modern I translated 1200 filipino words
Project Details
Relay Modern
Relay Modern is a new version of Relay designed from the ground up to be easier to use, more extensible and, most of all, able to improve performance on mobile devices. Relay Modern accomplishes this with static queries and ahead-of-time code generation. Incrementally convert existing Relay apps, or start a new one with Relay Modern.
Good day everyone
This is the report of my Relay translation. Today i finish my translation and i translated 1200 words from (0%) to (100%).
You can check my proof of works Links below.
Source Language
My source language is English
Translated Language
My translated language is philippine language
Number Of Words
I translated 1200 Filipino words
Number of words translated on this contribution: 1200
Proofread Words
As of now i dont have a proof of words
Previous translation on the same project
As of now i dont have a previous translation because this is my first translation in this project
Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 1200 words
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