Part 1: Create a Secure Steemconnect-Powered STEEM/SBD Payment Portal with React and AdonisJS

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)


<h4>What Will I Learn? <p dir="auto">This is a two part series in which we build a payment portal that uses the Steemconnect API to accept STEEM/SBD payments directly. As we progress while building this portal, we will learn about and use the techniques below to achieve our goal. <ul> <li>Test Driven Development approach to building scalable applications <li>Dynamically generating payment endpoints using URL encoding. <li>Setting up the server-side API payment to process payment requests. <li>Securing payments from fraud by leveraging custom generated security tokens. <h4>Requirements <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Node.js 8.0 or greater. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">NPM 3.0 or greater. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Yarn package manager <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Git <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Adonis Fullstack Boilerplate <li>An understanding of Object Oriented Programming with ES6 and unit testing. <li>An advanced level of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">AdonisJS knowledge. <li>Keen interest and patience. <h4>Difficulty <ul> <li>Advanced <h4><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Tutorial Repository <h4>Tutorial Contents <ul> <li>Introduction. <li>Setting up AdonisJS Installation <li>Writing Feature Tests for Wallets <li>Setting up user authentication. <p dir="auto">In this installment, we will be strictly working with AdonisJs and the server . We will setup wallets for our users to record their transactions. We will also create user authentication systems with Adonis Persona. We will then visit security token management. We will also be writing our code in a test driven development fashion as we'd like to assure ourselves that we are not recording any false positives. <h4>Introduction. <p dir="auto"><strong>Disclaimer: <p dir="auto">This tutorial is not the ideal introduction to AdonisJS or React for beginners. I'd strongly advise you have a grasp of object oriented programming and you are fairly comfortable with asynchronous programming. <p dir="auto">Also, if you are not familiar with functional testing in AdonisJS, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">I wrote a very helpful article to get you started. <p dir="auto">I'd be overjoyed if you took a trip to see these resources before we proceed: <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">ES6 for Starters <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">A curious introduction to Adonisjs <p dir="auto">Finally, every line of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">code in this tutorial is available on Github <h4>Briefing. <p dir="auto">We covered our scope above. So let's get to it. We'll be calling our app <strong>Paysy. <h4>Setting Up the AdonisJS Installation <p dir="auto">I'm assuming your development machine runs the Linux operating system. Windows users will be right at home too. I'm also assuming you have the Node.js runtime and NPM installed. <p dir="auto">To install AdonisJS on your machine, we first have to get the global command line interface (CLI). We can install that by running: <pre><code>npm i -g @adonisjs/cli <p dir="auto">Once the installation completes, make sure that you can run <code>adonis from your command line. <pre><code>adonis --help <p dir="auto">Next, we need to create an app called <code>paysy from the CLI. We're interested in the API and web functionalities so we pass the <code>--fullstack additional flag. <pre><code>adonis new paysy --fullstack <p dir="auto">You should see an output similar to the one below. <p dir="auto"><img src="" alt="Paysy Installation" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <p dir="auto">Also, let's add the sqlite3 and mysql dependencies. We'll have sqlite3 for our testing database and MySQL for the production database. <pre><code>npm install mysql sqlite3 --save-dev <p dir="auto">Let's change directories to the <code>paysy directory and start the development server. <pre><code>cd paysy && adonis serve --dev <p dir="auto">We receive a tidy little JSON response if we head over to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"> <pre><code>{"greeting":"Hello world in JSON"} <h4>Setting Up Application Config <p dir="auto">We need to configure environmental variables. Let's update the contents of our <code>.env file to the content below. Leave the rest of the parameters untouched. <pre><code>HOST= PORT=3333 APP_URL=http://${HOST}:${PORT} DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_USER=root DB_PASSWORD= DB_DATABASE=paysy <p dir="auto">We'll also set our authentication method to <code>jwt since we'll be using that method. Edit <code>config/auth.js and set <code>authenticator to <code>jwt <pre><code> /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Authenticator |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Authentication is a combination of serializer and scheme with extra | config to define on how to authenticate a user. | | Available Schemes - basic, session, jwt, api | Available Serializers - lucid, database | */ authenticator: "jwt", <p dir="auto"><strong>Setting Up Testing Environment <p dir="auto">AdonisJS relies on the <code>@adonisjs/vow package as its core testing framework. We may install it by running <pre><code>adonis install @adonisjs/vow <p dir="auto">We should get a screen like below <p dir="auto"><img src="" alt="Adonis Vow screen" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <p dir="auto">We now need to register its service provider in the <code>aceProviders array available at <code>start/app.js . <pre><code> const aceProviders = [ '@adonisjs/vow/providers/VowProvider' ] <p dir="auto">We must also define a couple of behaviors for our tests. We can define these behaviours in a <code>vowfile.js script available at the project root. We'd like Adonis to spin up a server and run migrations before any tests are run. <em>Then, we'd like Adonis to destroy the server and reset the migrations after we are done testing. <pre><code>'use strict' /* !|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Vow file |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The vow file is loaded before running your tests. This is the best place | to hook operations `before` and `after` running the tests. | */ const ace = require('@adonisjs/ace') module.exports = (cli, runner) => { runner.before(async () => { /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Start the server |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Starts the http server before running the tests. You can comment this | line, if http server is not required | */ use('Adonis/Src/Server').listen(process.env.HOST, process.env.PORT) /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Run migrations |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Migrate the database before starting the tests. | */ await'migration:run') }) runner.after(async () => { /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Shutdown server |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Shutdown the HTTP server when all tests have been executed. | */ use('Adonis/Src/Server').getInstance().close() /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Rollback migrations |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Once all tests have been completed, we should reset the database to it's | original state | */ await'migration:reset') }) } <p dir="auto">Run <code>adonis test in your terminal now and you'll hopefully get the below result. <p dir="auto"><img src="" alt="Initial test shot" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <h4>Building the Application <p dir="auto">We've successfully setup our installation and we must proceed with building our application now. We'll be following a series of steps to help us achieve our purpose. <p dir="auto"><strong>Obtaining Requirements <p dir="auto">Our app must do the following: <ol> <li>Successfully register and authenticate new users. <li>Quickly generate security token nonces we'll use in verifying transaction legitimacy. <li>Promptly update the appropriate user wallets with the new balances whenever funding is successful. <p dir="auto"><strong>Setting Up Our Database Tables <p dir="auto">Based on the requirements we have above, we would need a <code>wallets table to contain all the STEEM and SBD data we'll be storing. AdonisJS can help us create the required table(s) via migrations. <p dir="auto">We'll be generating the <code>wallet migrations through the CLI. <pre><code>adonis make:migration wallet <p dir="auto">A little dialog should come up on the CLI asking if we'd like to create or select a table. We'll go with the create table option. Open up the newly generated migration available at <code>database/migrations and let's add some code. We'll be checking to see if this table is yet to be created before proceeding. We'll also need the <code>name, <code>balance and <code>user_id fields to store important information. <pre><code>'use strict' const Schema = use('Schema') class WalletSchema extends Schema { up () { if (await this.hasTable('wallets')) return; this.create('wallets', (table) => { table.increments() table.integer("user_id"); table.string("name"); table.float("balance", 8, 3); table.timestamps() }) } down () { this.drop('wallets') } } module.exports = WalletSchema <p dir="auto">We'll run our migration now. This will generate the <code>wallets table. <pre><code>adonis migration:run <p dir="auto">We've successfully set up our database. Let's create a quick AdonisJS Lucid ORM model for our <code>wallets table. Create <code>Wallet.js in <code>app/Models and add some code <pre><code>'use strict' const Model = use('Model') class Wallet extends Model { user () { return this.belongsTo('App/Models/User') } } module.exports = Wallet <h3>Writing Feature Tests for Wallets <p dir="auto">For our wallets, we'd like to be able to do the following: <ol> <li><p dir="auto">We'd like to be able to add a new wallet entry through the HTTP client. <li><p dir="auto">We'd like to be able to retrieve wallet information through the HTTP client. <li><p dir="auto">We'd also like to be able to update wallet information. This way, we'd be able to update the balance whenever a user funds STEEM or SBD. <li><p dir="auto">We also would like to be able to list and filter homes according to criteria. <p dir="auto">We'd also like to extract the logic into lots of separate classes that can be reused in other parts of our app. <p dir="auto"><strong>Creating Our Wallet Test Suite <p dir="auto">AdonisJS comes fully equipped with test capabilities. We can generate a test through the CLI for our <code>Wallet suite of tests. Make sure you choose to generate a functional test as we'll be attempting to test HTTP routes. <pre><code>adonis make:test Wallet <p dir="auto"><code>wallet.spec.js should be available at the <code>test/functional directory now. <p dir="auto">_<strong>Writing Our First Wallet Test <p dir="auto">Open up <code>test/functional/wallet.spec.js and we are greeted with a default test that looks like this: <pre><code> 'use strict' const { test } = use('Test/Suite')('Home') test('make sure 2 + 2 is 4', async ({ assert }) => { assert.equal(2 + 2, 4) }) <p dir="auto">Not bad, but we'd love to have a real functional test. Let's replace the content with some new content. We'll import the <code>test and <code>trait methods as we'll need them. The <code>Test/ApiClient trait allows us to make HTTP calls to the backend. <pre><code>'use strict' const { test, trait } = use('Test/Suite')('Wallet') trait('Test/ApiClient') <p dir="auto">Next, we add our first test. We attempt to create a wallet by posting data to the <code>/api/v1/wallets route. We then proceed to make sure the wallet was really created by querying the wallets endpoint with the wallet's id as the parameter. We then get assertions by measuring JSON responses from both operations. <pre><code>test('Should create a wallet through the HTTP client', async ({ client }) => { let data = { name: 'STEEM', user_id: 1, balance: 0.000 } const wallet = await client .post(`/api/v1/wallets`) .send(data) .end() const response = await client.get(`/api/v1/wallets/${}`).end() response.assertStatus(200) response.assertJSONSubset(data); }).timeout(0) <p dir="auto">We run the test and sure enough we get a red failing test. Let's write the implementation to get our tests passing. <p dir="auto"><img src="" alt="Failing test" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <p dir="auto"><strong>Passing Our Wallet Tests_ <p dir="auto">We'll hop into the terminal and run a command to generate our Wallets controller <pre><code>adonis make:controller Wallets <p dir="auto">Let's write code that passes our test. We'll edit the first route in the <code>start/routes.js and write some code. We'll create a whole lot of routes easily by using the <code>route.factory. <pre><code>Route.resource("/api/v1/wallets", "WalletsController"); <p dir="auto">Let's add some code to the <code>Wallet class. We'll import the Wallet model. <pre><code>const Wallet = use("App/Models/Wallet"); class WalletsController {} <p dir="auto">We'll create the <code>store method now. Within it, we'll be creating the wallet. We'll be using the ES6 Object Spread proposal to set some block scoped variables. We're retrieving values from <code>request.all() <pre><code> async store({ request }) { let { name, user_id, balance } = request.all(); } <p dir="auto">We now need to create a new <code>Wallet (if none matching the provided data exists) using the data received. We then return the created <code>Wallet instance in JSON format. <pre><code> let wallet = await Wallet.findOrCreate({ name, user_id balance }) return wallet.toJSON() <p dir="auto">We also would like to show the created wallet on its own special endpoint. For this, we will add the <code>show method and we'll just grab the <code>id of the wallet needed from the URL using the destructured <code>params object. We'll then fetch it and return it in JSON format. <pre><code> async show({ request, params }) { let { id } = params; let wallet = await Wallet.find(id); return wallet.toJSON(); } <p dir="auto">Last of all we need to make sure our wallet can be updated through the HTTP client. We'll add another test that should update the wallet with an id of 1. We'll simply fire a <code>PUT request to our endpoint and run assertions on the JSON returned and the status code of the response. <pre><code>test("Should update the wallet with the id #1 through the HTTP client", async ({ client }) => { let walletID = 1; let data = { balance: 5.0 }; const wallet = await client .put(`/api/v1/wallets/${walletID}`) .send(data) .end(); const response = await client.get(`/api/v1/wallets/${walletID}`).end(); response.assertStatus(200); response.assertJSONSubset(data); }).timeout(0); <p dir="auto">We run <code>adonis test and sure enough our test fails. Let's get it passing. We'll add the <code>update method to our wallet controller. Within this method we will simply find and update the wallet with new data. <pre><code> async update({ request, params }) { let { id } = params; let { balance } = request.all(); let data = { balance } let wallet = await Wallet.query() .where("id", id) .update(data); return wallet.toJSON(); } <p dir="auto">Let's save, jump back into the terminal and run our test <pre><code>adonis test <p dir="auto">Congratulations, our tests turn green! We have completed the first phase of TDD for our wallet. <p dir="auto"><img src="" alt="Passing test" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <h3>Refactoring for Cleaner, Reusable Code. <p dir="auto">We'll get our code cleaner and better reusable by extracting functionality into a <code>WalletManager.js class. Create <code>App/Managers/WalletManager.js and we'll move some content from our <code>WalletController.js class to our new one. We're not adding new code here, simply reusing the code we already have. We extract core functionality into three methods: <ul> <li><code>findOrCreateWallet <li><code>updateWalletByID <li><code>findWalletByID <pre><code>"use strict"; const Wallet = use("App/Models/Wallet"); class WalletManager { static async findOrCreateWallet(payload) { let wallet = await Wallet.findOrCreate(; return wallet.toJSON(); } static async updateWalletByID(payload) { let wallet = await Wallet.query() .where("id", .update(; return wallet.toJSON(); } static async findWalletByID(payload) { let wallet = await Wallet.find(; return wallet.toJSON(); } } module.exports = WalletManager; <p dir="auto">Our WalletController should look like the below now. It's much more skinnier now that we have moved the core functionality to a reusable class. <pre><code>"use strict"; const WalletManager = use("App/Managers/WalletManager"); class WalletsController { async store({ request }) { let { name, user_id, balance } = request.all(); return WalletManager.findOrCreateWallet({ data: { name, user_id, balance } }); } async show({ request, params }) { let { id } = params; return WalletManager.findWalletByID({ id }); } async update({ request, params }) { let { id } = params; let data = request.all(); return WalletManager.updateWalletByID({ id, data }); } } module.exports = WalletsController; <p dir="auto">We run our tests again and nothing breaks so we can move on. <h4>Adding Users to our App. <p dir="auto">A payment server is no good without any actual users. We'll add users to our application and we'll use <code>adonis-persona to speed up this process. Run this to install <pre><code>adonis install @adonisjs/persona <p dir="auto">Follow up by registering the provider inside the providers array in <code>start/app.js: <pre><code>const providers = [ '@adonisjs/persona/providers/PersonaProvider' ] <p dir="auto">Since Persona does not come with any implementations, we must create one. We'll generate a <code>UserController class. <pre><code>adonis make:controller User <p dir="auto">Next we update our <code>start/routes.js class and add a route factory for our <code>UserController <pre><code>Route.resource("/api/v1/users", "UserController"); <p dir="auto">We'll write a test in advance (cause that's the cool thing to do). First of all, we'll generate a functional test suite for the user class. <pre><code>adonis make:test user <p dir="auto">We'll then add the below test to it. <pre><code>test("Should create a user through the HTTP client", async ({ client }) => { let data = { email: "", password: "secret", password_confirmation: "secret" }; const user = await client .post(`/api/v1/users`) .send(data) .end(); const response = await client.get(`/api/v1/users/${}`).end(); response.assertStatus(200); response.assertJSONSubset(data); }).timeout(0); <p dir="auto">We get our expected failing test. Now, let's get it green. We'll add the <code>index, <code>store and <code>show methods to the UserController class. Our <code>index method shows us all our available users. We'll keep our core functionality in the <code>UserManager class we'll soon create. <pre><code>"use strict"; const UserManager = use("App/Managers/UserManager"); class UserController { async index() { return await UserManager.all(); } async store({ request, auth }) { const data = request.only(["email", "password", "password_confirmation"]); try { const user = await UserManager.createUserFromData({ data }); await auth.login(user); return user; } catch (e) { return e; } } async show({ params }) { const { id } = params; return UserManager.findUserByID({ id }); } } module.exports = UserController; <p dir="auto">Lets create <code>App/Managers/UserManager.js and then we'll define the methods required on it. <p dir="auto">Firstly, the <code>all method returns all our users. We use the Persona package to register users in the <code>createUserFromData method. We use the <code>findUserByID to simply return any user matching the id provided. <pre><code>"use strict"; const User = use("App/Models/User"); const Persona = use("Persona"); class UserManager { static async all(payload) { return await User.all(); } static async createUserFromData(payload) { let user = await Persona.register(; return user.toJSON(); } static async findUserByID(payload) { let user = await User.find(; return user.toJSON(); } static async findUserByAttributes(payload) { let user = await User.query() .where(payload.attributes) .fetch(); return user; } } module.exports = UserManager; <p dir="auto">Save and return to the terminal. Running <code>adonis test gives us glorious green results. <h4>Setting up JWT authentication for our App. <p dir="auto">We are able to register new users now. We also need to be able to authenticate them. We can pull this off by using Persona. First of all, let's generate the <code>AuthController class. <pre><code>adonis make:controller Auth <p dir="auto">Next, we need to add a route factory for the <code>AuthController in <code>start/routes.js. <p dir="auto"><code>js Route.resource("/api/v1/auth", "AuthController");<br /> We'll write a test for our authentication. We'll expect to get an object like the one below as the response. <pre><code>{ type: 'bearer', token: 'some-long-random-secure-string-24dfe4244' } <p dir="auto">We then proceed to add our test case code to <code>tests/functional/user.spec.js. <pre><code>"use strict"; const { test, trait } = use("Test/Suite")("Auth"); trait("Test/ApiClient"); test("Should generate a token based on credentials passed through the HTTP client", async ({ client }) => { let data = { uid: "", password: "secret" }; const return = await client .post(`/api/v1/auth`) .send(data) .end(); response.assertStatus(200); response.assertJSONSubset({ type: 'bearer' }); }).timeout(0); <p dir="auto">Running this we get a failing test. Let's fix that. We'll add the <code>store method to the <code>AuthController class within which we will attempt to get a JWT token that we'll use to confirm our users identity. We first verify our user details using Persona. <pre><code>"use strict"; const Persona = use("Persona"); class AuthController { async store({ request, auth }) { const payload = request.only(["uid", "password"]); const user = await Persona.verify(payload); const authScheme = `jwt`; return await auth .authenticator(authScheme) .withRefreshToken() .attempt(payload.uid, payload.password); } } module.exports = AuthController; <p dir="auto">Running <code>adonis test now we get a passing green test. This leads us to the last part of this tutorial. <h4>Generating Secure Payment Tokens. <p dir="auto">Before we proceed, we need to figure out a way to make sure requests are actually valid and not spoofs from intruders. We can do this by generating a custom token before a user attempts to make payments. We'll add a test case to the <code>user.spec.js. We only want it to generate a token if we have an authenticated user making this request. <pre><code>test("Should generate a transaction token for payments only if we are authenticated", async ({ client }) => {}).timeout(0) <p dir="auto">Our test is simple. We'll simply pass user credentials to the <code>/api/v1/auth endpoint over post and then we'll be rewarded with an authentication token. We then pass that token through the <code>Authorization header to the <code>api/v1/payments endpoint and hopefully we get rewarded with the needed payment token that we'll use to verify our transaction. <pre><code> const authResponse = await client .post(`/api/v1/auth`) .send({ uid: userData["email"], password: userData["password"] }) .end(); const token = authResponse.body.token; const paymentTokenResponse = await client .post(`/api/v1/payments`) .header("Authorization", `Bearer ${token}`) .send() .end(); paymentTokenResponse.assertStatus(200); <p dir="auto">We run this test and it fails. We'll generate a <code>PaymentController and get to work. <pre><code>adonis make:controller PaymentController <p dir="auto">Let's add a route factory for this controller in <code>start/index.js <p dir="auto">Route.resource("/api/v1/payment", "PaymentController"); <p dir="auto">We'll add the <code>store method. The <code>store method is where we'll write the code that helps us generate the payment token. Within this method, we'll first make sure the person making this request is authenticated by using <code>auth.check() and if the token supplied is invalid, we return an error. Next, we'll use a method we're yet to create. We'll call this method <code>generateTransactionToken and it will live in the <code>PaymentManager class so remember to create <code>app/Managers/PaymentManager.js class. We'll supply two arguments to this method and they are the <code>User model object and the transaction token type. We'll supply <code>auth.user and <code>payment as the required arguments. <pre><code> const PaymentManager = use("App/Managers/PaymentManager"); class PaymentController { async store({ request, response, auth }) { try { await auth.check(); return new PaymentManager().generateTransactionToken( auth.user, "payment" ); } catch (e) { return response.status(401).send("Missing or invalid api token"); } } } } <p dir="auto">Let's add the <code>generateTransactionToken method to the <code>PaymentManager class. We'll be using the <code>rand-token package for generating our custom token. We'll use the <code>moment package to help us calculate if the token was generated within the last 12 hours. <p dir="auto">Within the <code>generateTransactionToken method, we make sure a user object was passed in. We then get all tokens associated with our user. We then make sure only tokens that are of the type <code>payment and were generated within the last 12 hours with <code>is_revoked set to 0 are returned. If we have any such tokens, we simply return it. If we don't have such, we generate a 16 character long random string and insert it into the database as our token. <pre><code>const randtoken = require("rand-token"); const moment = require("moment"); const TokenManager = use("App/Models/Token"); const Encrypter = use("Encryption"); class PaymentManager { async generateTransactionToken(user, type = "payment") { if (!user) return; let query = user.tokens(); query = await this._addTokenConstraints(query, type); if (query.length) { return query[0].token; } const token = Encrypter.encrypt(randtoken.generate(16)); await user.tokens().create({ type, token }); return token; } /** * Adds query constraints to pull the right token * * @method _addTokenConstraints * * @param {Object} query * @param {String} type * * @private */ async _addTokenConstraints(query, type) { return await query .where("type", type) .where("is_revoked", false) .where( "updated_at", ">=", moment() .subtract(12, "hours") .format(this.dateFormat) ); } } module.exports = PaymentManager; <p dir="auto">We run our test again and we are in the green again. Yay! <h4>Securely Processing SteemConnect Redirects. <p dir="auto">Since we'll be using SteemConnect to securely access payments, we need to ensure there are no vulnerabilities for intruders to exploit. We must first anticipate our redirect url query structure. We need to have a query structure like this. <pre><code>http://localhost:3333/api/v1/payment?uid=1&amt=0.001&wlt=SBD&tkn=cecc65002391685dc0052d3b7c057e96hppl8qzD <p dir="auto">Let's go through each query property: <p dir="auto"><strong>uid: This is the user id of the user making the payment. We'll use this data to track our users. <p dir="auto"><strong>amt: This is the amount our user is paying. In this case its 0.001 SBD. <p dir="auto"><strong>wlt: This is the wallet our user is making an update to. We use this to differentiate between STEEM and SBD payments. <p dir="auto"><strong>tkn: This is the token security nonce that is required. This acts as a means of trust since potentially anyone can manipulate the query string to perform dangerous operations like increasing the amount of SBD or even diverting payments to other users. <p dir="auto">With this structure in mind, we will write some code in the <code>index method of the <code>PaymentController to process such a payment request. We first get all the data we passed through the query string. We then use the <code>UserManager.findUserByID method we wrote previously to get the user processing the payment. We also search for the provided token through the list of tokens our user has. If we find a match, we know the token is valid and we proceed. We then update the token setting the <code>is_revoked flag to true and we update the corresponding wallet that matches the <code>wlt key on the query string. Last of all, we render a simple view that does a javascript powered countdown that seamlessly closes the window after 12 seconds. <pre><code> async index({ request, response, view }) { const data = request.only(["uid", "amt", "tkn", "wlt"]); const userID = parseInt(data.uid, 10); const amount = parseFloat(data.amt, 10); const walletName = data.wlt; const user = await UserManager.findUserByID({ id: userID }); let validTransactionToken = await TokenManager.findTokenByParams({ data: { user_id:, is_revoked: 0, type: "payment" } }); if (!validTransactionToken) { return response.status(401).send({ error: { message: "Invalid token supplied." } }); } await TokenManager.updateTokenByID({ id:, data: { is_revoked: 1 } }); let wallet = await WalletManager.findWalletByParams({ data: { user_id: userID, name: walletName } }); let balance = Number(wallet.balance, 10) + amount; let userWallet = await WalletManager.updateWalletByID({ id:, data: { balance } }); return view.render("payment.process"); } <p dir="auto">That's all for this installment friend. Let's do a brief recap of what we've achieved so far and why we are awesome. <h4>Conclusion <p dir="auto">Building a STEEM/SBD payment portal is easily achievable thanks to all the help from Adonis. We've tackled each required part of the payment portal so far using Test Driven Development and we've been successful. <p dir="auto">In our final installment, we will be tackling the frontend and building out a simple React app to serve as the user interface for all transactions. <h4>Proof of Work Done <p dir="auto">You can <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">clone the repository containing code to this tutorial from <h4>Curriculum <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Part One: Create a Secure Steemconnect-Powered STEEM/SBD Payment Portal with React and AdonisJS <h5>Resources <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">The Official Documentation on Functional and Unit Tests <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Encryption and Hashing in AdonisJS <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">My Steemit article on writing tests in AdonisJS

Thank you for your contribution.

  • Please put comments in your code, it helps a lot to read the code and understand what you are doing.

As always good tutorial, I wait for the next one.

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Thanks. I'll add comments on my next one

Thank you for your review, @portugalcoin!

So far this week you've reviewed 3 contributions. Keep up the good work!

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We’re already looking forward to your next contribution!Hey @creatrixity

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