#Untalented-singsong challenge -- My off-key of Ed sheeran - supermarket flowers

In response to the challenge put up by @surpassinggoggle - the #untalented-singsong. It's my great honor to be doing this piece supermarket flowers by Ed sheeran

To view @surpassinggoogle post about this

#untalented-singsong: Let's Take Out 1000 or More Victory Cover Songs On D.tube. Don't Worry, "You Are Allowed To Sing Off-Key".

You won't be singing, for you will resist that inclination to. You will say nothing. You will keep on mute. You will hum nothing! You will just be feeling and learning on this one. You will be shedding, cleansing, playing away the hassle, for we are going on breakthrough next.

Thank you
It's my honour doing this


Nice song bro. The rhythm was simple but top notch and melodious. Good job man

Wow! This was almost going to allow so tear drops, but as man now, i gaz hold am...lolz... beautiful melody.


What a beautiful smooth voice.
That was so natural.
Keep on singing!

Here!!!Take some imaginary @teardrops (smart media tokens). You can read about these special tokens

Will find a time to visit

What avoice Man?! I seriously like it! you sing as awesome as Ed. Keep it up! 👍