Today is like Christmas day, honest to god I do not lie. Since moving here tv was an issue, I say that in the loosest form, because tv was accessible via satellite, but we never knew what package we needed to go for and how many channels we would get in english. We did originally have tv here but through internet by some guy who at first gave us a great service, then it got switched off and he wanted us to pay for a new package for a year when we still had four months left.
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Credit Pixabay
Last week we bought a new tv.
For the dining room our old one was well old and we needed a new one, and we were able to exchange our old tv with a friend in exchange for some work carried out in the house.
Another friend who is British and moved here said that he just got tv installed and was really impressed with what he had with the package, so we decided to head over to the tv shop to find out what was available.
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My Bulgarian is not perfect but im able to hold a conversation, so I explained to the Lady what our friend had, and she showed us a list of the channels, but was not able to tell us what was in english and what was in bulgarian. It was a two year contract but she told us we could have two tv's for 16 Leva a month, yes TWO tv's.
Now before I continue, in the UK there is only one Satellite service called SKY Tv, and it is expensive to say the least, at first they offer a promotion, then at the end of your contract they massively increase the price. Then you have to phone and threaten to leave to get a new deal, we ended up stopping it in the uk because of the fact that we were paying 80 british pounds for basically a lot of channels with just repeats, and even SKY could not argue with us.
Back to Bulgaria now.
So the men came this morning to install, the tv in the house they were here by 10.30. It was really hard to try to explain to them where the cable should go for the tv's but we managed to get by. Installation took about an hour and only at the end did I find out the guy spoke English!!!! Bulgarians who speak english have a habit of doing this I don't mind because it helps my Bulgarian, but when it is for something technical it would help for them to say hey I speak english.
We have channels!!! Lots and lots of channels, at first I thought we only have a few, but some of them are voice over with bulgarian, and all you do is press this magic language button, switch it to english and voila we have lot of English channels and oh FOOD network, hello cooking. I am so excited and we are deffo now set for winter, so much so that all I want to do now is to put my christmas tree up.
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But i'm not going to as it's too early still.
So forgive me readers I am off to watch Fine Living channel to watch americans buying houses.
Congrats. I know having a TV enables one to stay connected to the World along with the internet