Ulog Contests: What Is The Starkest Difference Between A Fly And A Bird?

in #ulog6 years ago


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We will start a series of contests very regularly but to apply  contests to a more testimonial and historical use etc These  ulog-contests will be very simple contests that will accomplish a  long-road-of-things. For one, we will use these contests to implore  everyone and Uloggers to explore the use of ulogs.org and the  full-beauty of the  #ulog movement and the fun, world-adjusting art of ulogging. We will have many such fun ulogging-activities going forward and in  the long run, use much of activities to continue to up-build our  Ulogs.org model as well as up-build the model of our Ulogs' mainstream game etc 

We will keep this particular post simple as it is a contest. 

Contest Proper

This contest is a very simple contest called: Comedy Solutions

Many time, "many things" are simple but we usually tend towards "attempting the nth complexest solutions" first, ever leaving out the "first simplest obviousest solutions" e.g Ever wondered what is on Bingo's mind? While you can easily ask Bingo "what its on its mind"; we end up going for years to schools to study veterinary, then on to Mars to do apprenticeship under an alien petinary psychologist for aeons of years, just to find out what is on Bingo's mind. Note: (Bingo lives beside you each day!)

In this contest, you are simply require to answer (in the comments below), the simple question below:

What is the starkest difference between a Bird and a Fly? 

Quick Guidelines For Effective Participation.

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  • The contest is very easy as there are no wrong answers. You can fully participate or simply guess the answers! 

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This post was made from https://ulogs.org


the starkest difference between Bird and fly is
A Bird can fly but a fly can't bird :p xD

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

hahaha we have the same answer :-D

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Hahahahaha naunahan mo ko ito sana sagot ko.. good thing bumasa muna ko sa mga sagot!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

This may sound cornic but what the heck! Haha

The difference is that, you can grill a bird and eat it but you cannot do that to a fly. He will fly out before you could set him for dinner!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

You were sweet. Miss comedianress.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

You managed to be funny, not corny plus you are sweet.

Thank you for participating. The answer is, "a bird can fly but a fly cannot bird".

We kindly implore to like our Youtube channel called UloggersTV if you haven't. This is channel showing Uloggers globally to the world and will form the basis for our upcoming uloggers game which is a core part of ulogs.org and the #ulog movement. It will also create awareness to the steem blockchain and the Teardrops SMT. This is the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ Please vote for steemgigs as witness if you haven't. Vote here: https://steemit.com/~witnesses

Yeah but somebody already answered that so i just made something up.. hehe

I already subscribed your youtube channel by the time you had launched it.. 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

starkest is kind of birds like free to fly what ever they want. like we did here in steemit we keep on moving forward to stay alive in the world of crypto. will my definition What Is The Starkest Difference Between A Fly And A Bird? = Answer:
The major difference between a bird and a fly is that both belong to different phyla.


Phylum: Chordata
They have a four chambered heart.
Have hollow bones so that they can fly. (exceptions present of course, e.g., Ostrich)


Phylum: Arthropoda
They have an open circulatory system.
No bones.

I think these are few of the major differences. Birds have feathers. Flies don't.

Thank You!!!

Hahaha so much solution. And really sweet of you. The contest type is comedy solutions. There are also more open contests if you check.

Thank you for participating. The answer is, "a bird can fly but a fly cannot bird".

We kindly implore to like our Youtube channel called UloggersTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ if you haven't. This is channel showing Uloggers globally to the world and will form the basis for our upcoming uloggers game which is a core part of ulogs.org and the #ulog movement. It will also create awareness to the steem blockchain and the Teardrops SMT.

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Please vote for steemgigs as witness if you haven't. Vote here: https://steemit.com/~witnesses

thank you @surpassinggoogle this is my firs time one of my witness has commented to my reply thank you he he he

A bird is an anti-stress for me and a fly triggers my stress.😂

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This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Tama ka dyan @shula14 😊 kainis nga yang mga langaw na yan haha nakaka stress to the max level 😂.

more like uncle-stress

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Interesting! I love birds and I hate flies.. heheh.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

There is another contest. Thank you for being funny.

Thank you for participating. The answer is, "a bird can fly but a fly cannot bird".

We kindly implore to like our Youtube channel called UloggersTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ if you haven't. This is channel showing Uloggers globally to the world and will form the basis for our upcoming uloggers game which is a core part of ulogs.org and the #ulog movement. It will also create awareness to the steem blockchain and the Teardrops SMT.

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Please vote for steemgigs as witness if you haven't. Vote here: https://steemit.com/~witnesses

Ok, you finally got me to sign up for ulogs.org.

I think for me the biggest distinction is eyesight. Birds have vision that is extremely similar to humans', but better. They see movement and color in essentially the same way we do, although often with more acuity.

Flies, on the other hand, have compound eyes, which operate on an entirely different system. What we perceive as a single eye structure on a fly is actually several thousand individual eyes that the fly's brain integrates the data from in real time. Flies can't move or focus their eyes, and have no pupils to control the amount of light coming in, so all of their perception is done through processing in the brain. They primarily perceive motion rather than shape, and have very limited color vision, but can distinguish between polarized and unpolarized light, something no mammal can do.

Both birds and flies have vision as their primary sense, but they approach it completely differently.

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So much knowledge. Thank you for an awesome entry and trying out ulogs.org as well. Very special. There is an open contest Here

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Greetings, everybody. I'd say most birds can sing, some at least can make some kind of noise. Flies can't (not that we can hear); however they do make us make noises to get rid of them. Consecuently, birds inspire us to sing, while flies incite us to curse :)

Para mi es que la mosca estresa y los pajaros relajan.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Wow! This is an awesome game. My answer is; when a bird dies, flies will go to the birds dead body, but if a fly dies, birds dont go to a dead fly 😂. Hehe lol!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Hahaha bird will eat the fly. You will know if the answer is correct after a few days, here in the comment section.

Invite more people. However, small the reward is, we will learn and receiving is an art. Invite as many to participate; even non-steemians. You can also participate in the last contest Here, if you haven't. You can mention others in the comments too to participate, even when you don't participate. that gives you some rewards. There are no wrong anwers.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Thank you for participating. There will be many #ulog-contests going forward, for everyone. So follow @ulogs and set up notification. We encourage you to keep loving https://ulogs.org and using it. We will announce it for alpha use soon. Kindly subscribe to UloggersTV on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ and setup notification and invite friends even non-steemians to subscribe too. It will be loaded by funs videos gradually from Uloggers globally. Please upvote "steemgigs" as witness here https://steemit.com/~witnesses, if you haven't.

Good day.. interesting and fun and I'm in it.. hope this one is fine

Fly has six feet while bird has only two.. birds can fly high but flies can't.

More power and God bless..

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Hahaha, cute answer. You will find if your answer is right in the comment section, after a few days.

Invite more people. However, small the reward is, we will learn and receiving is an art. Invite as many to participate; even non-steemians. You can also participate in the last contest Here, if you haven't. You can mention others in the comments too to participate, even when you don't participate. that gives you some rewards. There are no wrong anwers.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Thank you for participating. There will be many #ulog-contests going forward, for everyone. So follow @ulogs and set up notification. We encourage you to keep loving https://ulogs.org and using it. We will announce it for alpha use soon. Kindly subscribe to UloggersTV on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ and setup notification and invite friends even non-steemians to subscribe too. It will be loaded by funs videos gradually from Uloggers globally. Please upvote "steemgigs" as witness here https://steemit.com/~witnesses, if you haven't.

The starkest difference of a bird and a fly is the legs. Fly has 6 legs while bird has two.
The second starkest difference is the eyes. Fly has 5 eyes while birds has two.

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shout-out to @mrxplorer

Thank you for participating. The answer is, "a bird can fly but a fly cannot bird".

We kindly implore to like our Youtube channel called UloggersTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ if you haven't. This is channel showing Uloggers globally to the world and will form the basis for our upcoming uloggers game which is a core part of ulogs.org and the #ulog movement. It will also create awareness to the steem blockchain and the Teardrops SMT.

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Please vote for steemgigs as witness if you haven't. Vote here: https://steemit.com/~witnesses

Hmmmm I think this would be my answer

Birds and Flies differ somehow as birds chirp and flies buzz ??

Are the questions meant to be funny or educational? Hahahahahaha

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Thank you for participating. The answer is, "a bird can fly but a fly cannot bird".

We kindly implore to like our Youtube channel called UloggersTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ if you haven't. This is channel showing Uloggers globally to the world and will form the basis for our upcoming uloggers game which is a core part of ulogs.org and the #ulog movement. It will also create awareness to the steem blockchain and the Teardrops SMT.

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The bird eats the fly, and when the bird dies, the fly feast the bird. 😊😊😊

Thank you for being funny.

Thank you for participating. The answer is, "a bird can fly but a fly cannot bird".

We kindly implore to like our Youtube channel called UloggersTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ if you haven't. This is channel showing Uloggers globally to the world and will form the basis for our upcoming uloggers game which is a core part of ulogs.org and the #ulog movement. It will also create awareness to the steem blockchain and the Teardrops SMT.

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I want to join this contest. My answer is if we can eat birds, but if a fly can be a disease that eats it. Thank you, sorry if my answer is wrong.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Dont worry, no wrong answers. Everyone will win something. Thank you for your participation. It is a sweet entry

Invite more people. However, small the reward is, we will learn and receiving is an art. Invite as many to participate; even non-steemians. You can also participate in the last contest Here, if you haven't. You can mention others in the comments too to participate, even when you don't participate. that gives you some rewards. There are no wrong anwers.

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Thank you for participating. There will be many #ulog-contests going forward, for everyone. So follow @ulogs and set up notification. We encourage you to keep loving https://ulogs.org and using it. We will announce it for alpha use soon. Kindly subscribe to UloggersTV on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ and setup notification and invite friends even non-steemians to subscribe too. It will be loaded by funs videos gradually from Uloggers globally. Please upvote "steemgigs" as witness here https://steemit.com/~witnesses, if you haven't.

I'm laughing at my answer, and this says like this:

Flies stand on manure,
the birds lay their manure on all the species below them.

Is this understood? You know my English can be crazy.

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Hahahahaha you could have thought better than poop 🤣😂

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Thank you for comedy.

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if flies are hated by everyone, but if birds are liked by everyone

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Hahaha, thank you. Cute answer. You will know the right answer much later. After some days. You will see the correct answer in the comment section.

Invite more people. However, small the reward is, we will learn and receiving is an art. Invite as many to participate; even non-steemians. You can also participate in the last contest Here, if you haven't. You can mention others in the comments too to participate, even when you don't participate. that gives you some rewards. There are no wrong anwers.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Thank you for participating. There will be many #ulog-contests going forward, for everyone. So follow @ulogs and set up notification. We encourage you to keep loving https://ulogs.org and using it. We will announce it for alpha use soon. Kindly subscribe to UloggersTV on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ and setup notification and invite friends even non-steemians to subscribe too. It will be loaded by funs videos gradually from Uloggers globally. Please upvote "steemgigs" as witness here https://steemit.com/~witnesses, if you haven't.

Birds make sound while flies don't, Bird's lifespan is longer than fly, fly die few weeks after their birth.

Lol....hope I killed it with these shot.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

I love it, it's fun to be an #ulogger.

The contest type is comedy solutions. There are also more open contests if you check.

Thank you for participating. The answer is, "a bird can fly but a fly cannot bird".

We kindly implore to like our Youtube channel called UloggersTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ if you haven't. This is channel showing Uloggers globally to the world and will form the basis for our upcoming uloggers game which is a core part of ulogs.org and the #ulog movement. It will also create awareness to the steem blockchain and the Teardrops SMT.

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Please vote for steemgigs as witness if you haven't. Vote here: https://steemit.com/~witnesses

Hello uloggers....How are you? I'm back and I want to join in this contest... 😉

I think the starkest difference between a bird and a fly is...

Bird has bones while Fly has no bones....Hahahaha😂

That's all. Thank you!😘

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Something is in the making for you on ulogs.org, it will be ready soon. See ulogs.org/created/ulography etc, something like that with you overseaing it. Maybe around the doodle thingy.

We will be back to the answers here later. Overall, no wrong answers.

Invite more people. However, small the reward is, we will learn and receiving is an art. Invite as many to participate; even non-steemians. You can also participate in the last contest Here, if you haven't. You can mention others in the comments too to participate, even when you don't participate. that gives you some rewards. There are no wrong anwers.

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Thank you for participating. There will be many #ulog-contests going forward, for everyone. So follow @ulogs and set up notification. We encourage you to keep loving https://ulogs.org and using it. We will announce it for alpha use soon. Kindly subscribe to UloggersTV on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ and setup notification and invite friends even non-steemians to subscribe too. It will be loaded by funs videos gradually from Uloggers globally. Please upvote "steemgigs" as witness here https://steemit.com/~witnesses, if you haven't.

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My entrance, that you want a bird flying nearby while a fly you want to see kilometers. and I want to invite my friend @litzismar to the contest. with affection from Venezuela, @ulogs

i already join this amaizing ulog.org
Every day i post on blog on ulog. Org

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@ulogs my passion with my steemit journe, thanks @ulogs with @surpassinggoogle

Thank you for participating. The answer is, "a bird can fly but a fly cannot bird".

We kindly implore to like our Youtube channel called UloggersTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ if you haven't. This is channel showing Uloggers globally to the world and will form the basis for our upcoming uloggers game which is a core part of ulogs.org and the #ulog movement. It will also create awareness to the steem blockchain and the Teardrops SMT.

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Please vote for steemgigs as witness if you haven't. Vote here: https://steemit.com/~witnesses

Saludos amiga muy bellos blog.

There are also more open contests if you check.

Thank you for participating. The answer is, "a bird can fly but a fly cannot bird".

We kindly implore to like our Youtube channel called UloggersTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ if you haven't. This is channel showing Uloggers globally to the world and will form the basis for our upcoming uloggers game which is a core part of ulogs.org and the #ulog movement. It will also create awareness to the steem blockchain and the Teardrops SMT.

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Please vote for steemgigs as witness if you haven't. Vote here: https://steemit.com/~witnesses

This gonna be fun cant wait to be part of this

Where is your entry. You can also do wild guesses.

Invite more people. However, small the reward is, we will learn and receiving is an art. Invite as many to participate; even non-steemians. You can also participate in the last contest Here, if you haven't. You can mention others in the comments too to participate, even when you don't participate. that gives you some rewards. There are no wrong anwers.

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Thank you for participating. There will be many #ulog-contests going forward, for everyone. So follow @ulogs and set up notification. We encourage you to keep loving https://ulogs.org and using it. We will announce it for alpha use soon. Kindly subscribe to UloggersTV on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ and setup notification and invite friends even non-steemians to subscribe too. It will be loaded by funs videos gradually from Uloggers globally. Please upvote "steemgigs" as witness here https://steemit.com/~witnesses, if you haven't.

Please count me in! <3

You can also make guesses, incase you can't come up with the answer.

Invite more people. However, small the reward is, we will learn and receiving is an art. Invite as many to participate; even non-steemians. You can also participate in the last contest Here, if you haven't. You can mention others in the comments too to participate, even when you don't participate. that gives you some rewards. There are no wrong answers.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Thank you for participating. There will be many #ulog-contests going forward, for everyone. So follow @ulogs and set up notification. We encourage you to keep loving https://ulogs.org and using it. We will announce it for alpha use soon. Kindly subscribe to UloggersTV on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzI3Rjamg7zSe_o0BwSeIQQ and setup notification and invite friends even non-steemians to subscribe too. It will be loaded by funs videos gradually from Uloggers globally. Please upvote "steemgigs" as witness here https://steemit.com/~witnesses, if you haven't.

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The birds we can love and have as pets in our homes and the flies we repudiate them for being disgustingHi @surpassinggoogle.