False flags

in #truth6 years ago

False flag or not!
Ok I see debate about this latest shooting being called a false flag or not. Some assume that those who feel it's a false flag are heartless. So im going to try bridge this gap a little. Here goes.
They want to take the guns from the people in New Zealand. We already had this happen in Australia and people did die. It was set up by the government. Just like 911. false flags does not mean people did or didn't get hurt. It means that it is set up. Atrocities go on all over the world and you barely hear about them. When they happen in our countries. They are usually for an agenda. Just like 911. We all know the government has no problem killing its own citizens to get what it wants from the rest of the population. Here in Australia this latest shooting is being used to further divide the people. It is being used to creat more hate. Some people are saying the Muslim community desrve this. In newzealand they are using it a different way. Talking shit about all people are one and everyone's heart goes out to the victims and that's the way the government wants it so they can take everyone's guns. None of this is good for anyone. They will use this to bring in more laws and clamp down on citizens. Big thing is. If you really want to do shootings like this and other terrorist attacks. Those people involved can still get guns or anything else they so desire. They are disarming honest people who would never do anything like this. They are using incidents like this ️to further fuel their agenda of taking more rights away from the people. Before any genocide in history. First the government disarms its own people then those people get killed. Not everything is as it seems. Most people I know call themselves awake or truthers or anarchists. We have all found holes in the story for ourselves at some point on some issue in the past. It's not wise to simply accept what we are told just because everyone else doesn't look further to see where this is going to take us if we are not responsible in our actions. So regardless of if we have the truth or not. Don't allow this to divide people one way or the other.


Pic Google images.


"If you really want to do shootings like this and other terrorist attacks. Those people involved can still get guns or anything else they so desire. "

Bullshit. Illegal gun sellers sell guns to drug dealers, not mass shooters. You wouldn't be in business long selling guns to crazy white terrorists

No one said they only sell to terrorists. You made my point for me. Guns are available.

You make good points Tony, thanks for letting us know what's going on there, from your view!

Too easy! I just see it needs saying people need a little grounding on this divided issue. We have politician here saying the wrong thing that these people deserved this. He's been egged by a seventeen year old boy. Boy has been forcefully restrained. We have our media posting and removing any comments that go against their agenda. Then in NZ they are spinning it the other way and people are already handing their guns in. Begging for tougher laws. They are charging and holding people in NZ for having and sharing certain videos. The Internet is removing these videos. Offering up to 14 years prison for downloading these videos. They don't want people to see and make up their own minds. It's terrible if people have been hurt. But the whole thing going on with media around this situation really stinks. It is being used and not at all for protection of the people. Our best interests and freedoms are quickly being washed away. It's all a very touchy subject here as the media in both countries are spinning it and using it to pull at people's heart string causing many emotions. It does seem to be these two countries are spinning it the way that works best for their own agendas. I even heard on the radio accidentally broadcast in the middle of the night and I've not heard it mentioned since. That NZ is saying what took Australia 12 days to do. They were bragging they have now accomplished in just 72 hours. That is remove the guns from the people they were referring too. The broadcast was cut and we had dead air on the radio. Stuff like that smells really bad to me. When the people are only given what they want them to hear and know. I call that social engineering at its best and most evident. We all know that's never a good thing. Taken me a few days to watch all this unfold before I write. I've been sent many videos in that time that are now being removed. Freedom to think critically is already been taken when that occurs.