Hungry for Travels: Exploring Jordan’s natural and manmade wonders

in #travel7 years ago

I sat on a handwoven blanket beside a warm crackling fire in the Wadi Rum desert. Every star in the galaxy was shining brighter than imaginable, lighting up the cold desert around me. I watched as my new Bedouin friend gently added a teapot to the fire, filled with his homemade sage and rosemary tea. He softly sang the tunes of Arabic songs.

I slowly sipped my delicious tea as I watched shooting stars streak above me, mesmerized by the clarity of the interrupted night sky. Dancing inside my head were the reminiscences of the week I had spent exploring this extraordinary country with My Jordan Journey and all of the once in a lifetime experiences I had.

When you tell most people you are traveling to Jordan, they only know of the world wonder Petra, and unrightfully so. Although Petra is a place so sacred and special, this country has more to offer than I ever fathomed or expected.

I visited the preserved ancient Greco-Roman city of Jerash in the northern part of Jordan. This excavation dates back 6,500 years and is a popular destination for tourists, second only to Petra.

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Walking through the alleyways with their intricate stone columns and cobblestone roads, you feel as though you've been transported back in time.