Prague/Czech Republic - Wednesday photo challenge - share your personal pictures from your visit to the Czech Republic!

in #travel5 years ago

WARNING: The use of images that are not your own on which you claim the ownership will be flagged and/or reported to @steemcleaners - HELPING TO STOP PLAGIARISM ON STEEMIT

Hello fellow Steemians,

I hope you are all having a great day! :) As usually, I am here with my daily photo challenge where you can submit your personal images from your travels to Prague and other locations in the Czech Republic in the comment section below.

The best 15 entries of the day will get my upvote. I will then pick the absolute winner of the day from these 15 photos. The winning photo will be awarded with a bigger upvote and it will also be featured as the cover image for the challenge post the next day to give the author of the winning shot some more exposure and publicity.

Don’t forget to add a short background story for your entry with at least 30 words and let me just remind you one more time that only personal images will be accepted in the challenge.

There were many great entries submitted in the yesterday Prague/Czech Republic photo challenge and I had a hard time picking the best one. After a deliberate consideration, however, I decided to choose the following entry by @krakonos:

Spring in Prague. The buildings in the photo are the Church of St.Gothard and the Business Academy at Krupka Square. But actually they are just in the background. I want to show flowering trees. Spring is finally in Prague!


I rewarded @krakonos entry with some extra upvote. Feel free to visit his blog and check out some of his other entries.

Thank you for your submissions. Have a great day and keep on Steeming!

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Appics featured 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge by @axeman

Collection of some of the most amazing photos from Prague/Czech Republic submitted recently by your fellow Steemians

ColorChallenge - Purple Sunday - @vcclothing in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!

Prague/Czech Republic - Sunday photo challenge - share your personal pictures from your visit to the Czech Republic!


upvote follow resteem.gif




Bronze copies of babies stand on the Prague island of Kampa. Scandalous sculptor David Black. The Kamp island is surrounded on one side by the Vltava, on the other side by an artificial stream called Chertovka.
On this side of the Vltava Embankment there is a beautiful view of another part of the city, and the main landmark attraction of Prague is the Charles Bridge. In the 15th century, the island had a large number of fruit plantations and vineyards, now there is a park on this place.

Hello, this bus stop is small functionalistic jewel in Udolni street in Brno. It was built in 1926 and also underground public toilet is part of it. For a long time was the bus stop in a pitiful state but last year it was finally restored.

Wastewater treatment plant in Bubeneč, Prague
In the 19th century, Prague changed into an industrial city. In the city without functioning canalisation. This was rectified in 1893 - 1906, when modern canalization was built.
Sewerage still serves today. The old purifier was replaced in 1965, pos koro 60 years of service ...
The old technical equipment has been preserved and there is now a museum of Prague sewerage in the building.

Ahoj Tomáši! Neděkuji Ti pokaždé, když mě vyhodnotíš jako autora nejlepšího snímku. Jak ubývá fotografů, je to najednou až příliš snadné a já bych děkoval příliš často... Tak jednou za občas. Děkuju.
Ale chci opětovně poděkovat za pořádání této soutěže. Díky Tobě jsem objevil svůj nový koníček - fotografování památek. Díky Tobě mi vzniká docela zajímavý fotoarchiv...

Napadá Tě, jak zvednout účast? Případně, jak bych s tím mohl pomoci? Mě už nenapadá nic. Byl bych velmi nerad, kdyby Tvá soutěž zanikla. Napsal jsem už hodně postů, ve kterých jsem vyzýval autory na #cesky, aby se Tvé soutěže účastnili... Pár jich fotografii i poslalo, ale trvale nezůstali...

Velice dekuji za kompliment a zaroven jsem rad, ze jsi pres Steemit objevil novou vasen. Bohuzel soutez opravdu za par mesicu zacala upadat a v soucasne chvili premyslim co a jak dal. Uvidim v horizontu pristich par dnu a tydnu jak se vse posune ci neposune dal. Dekuji za Tvou podporu.