This place ended up being a blast and filled with people doing different activities. A few trails and many markers along the path. Many things are going on here so you do need to pay attention.
This was one of those places I almost considered not going into. The closer I got to the location for the entry into the park the worse of a neighborhood I was going into. Thankfully once I got there not only did, I see security patrolling on golf carts. I even noticed police would pull into the park from time to time as I explored the place.
Along with the Yellow Trail and many other trails. Some people were even playing frisbee golf that seemed to run close to the yellow trail on certain parts. To the point I even stopped a couple of times to make sure I would not get hit by a frisbee. Other times I'd toss up a frisbee someone overthrew saving them quite a nasty steep hill down to collect their frisbee.

Those were not the only things to do here either. There were fields to play baseball in, tennis courts, and many other activities as well. I ended up going during the weekend and this place was packed. I’ve been to locations before that would be a ghost town even on the weekends. It was clear for this area this was the place to be. I’d even take another trip out here on a weekday to find it was still quite busy.

As far as the trail itself I ended up picking the Yellow Trail as it was right next to where I ended up parking. While I could see there was one trail longer. After talking with a couple that use this place rather regularly, I found out the Perimeter Trail was for people on bikes. People on bikes are also not supposed to be using the Yellow Trail.
Needless to say, I was already liking this place quite a lot. With how narrow the trail was it would have been quite annoying having to share it with people on bikes. I’ve been to a few trails like that. Where people hiking around have to keep on the lookout for people trying to speed past them on of all thing's battery-powered bikes that still legally meet the requirements to be allowed on many trails.

You could tell a lot of time was put into this place. While this trail was a dirt path. Someone went around with yellow spray paint and hit many of the large roots or anything else that was sticking up in certain places.
With it being a dirt trail the best place to walk was right in the middle. The sides sloped up making it a bit more of a workout if you wanted to walk along someone or get around people. It was not that bad but you can tell most people walk right down the middle of things.
There were also quite a lot of twists and turns in the route itself. While they do have quite a few markers on this trail. There are so many animal trails and shortcuts people take to get back to the parking lots that this trail loops around. You could tell enough people went the wrong way it started to make routes off the trail look like they were the correct way.
There were also people going around the area on golf carts patrolling the place. They seemed to have their routes as well. That also made it easy to wander off the trail if you were not paying attention.

Every once in a while, I'd just check my app to make sure I was still on the trail. I even ended up overshooting a section of it at one point. As the sign was not exactly pointing in one direction or another. Instead of turning like I was supposed to. I just kept going on. It did not take long to realize the next expect trail maker or map post was not there and I quickly turned around.
This place even has a connection to the 1,400+ mile National trail that runs through the state. That I've heard is mostly swamps. Perhaps at some point, I'll hit up some shorter sections of it. That would still require some camping equipment. It was kind of tempting to hit up the Red Trail and go take a look. I however did not have the time.

This place had some amazing shade. There were even benches to sit on from time to time. I wish I was close enough to this place to hit it up a few times a week. Out of many of the places I'd end up visiting. This place was amazing. The loop was also short enough that you could just go do further laps as needed. With a few places to leave people who are not into such longer walks.

There were a couple of small hills or inclines here or there. It seems like those who would be going up some of the bigger hills would be those doing other activities in the area. I could see some manmade trails going up some of the bigger hills.

It was nice every so often you would see these posts that showed which trail you were on. They however did not show where you were on the map. They seemed to mostly be at locations like this one where someone could end up going off the trail they were onto into another trail or a dirt road leading to one of the many areas in this park.
This place has quite a few different parking lots. I knew I was getting close to the end without even looking at the map by the time the trail was taking me along some of the parking lots.
It is kind of nice if for whatever reason you needed to quickly get back to the parking lot. There were many ways to do so. This was not one of those places in the middle of nowhere where you have to complete a full loop to make it back.
Final Thoughts

Despite how busy this place was. I’m kind of jealous I'm not close enough to enjoy this place more often. It was quite clear a few people that I ran into while here came almost daily. A place like this is something quite a few towns out there are simply lacking. It was also nice to see the locals respecting this place enough to keep it mostly clean.
Photos were taken and content was written by @Enjar about my personal experiences in the real world away from the computer at home.