"This Is For Allah". Really?! Can you spot the propaganda?

in #terrorism7 years ago

police on borogh street.jpg
First of all my heart goes out to all those who were impacted by this cowardly act. I will present my analysis on why I think it was propaganda. The unfortunate part of propaganda is that the deaths are real, injuries are real, sufferings are real - everything is real excepting the motives. And that is why I say that it is a work of a coward and not a religious person.

before reading the rest of the article, you might want to read my earlier blog where I listed most commonly used techniques for propaganda and how to spot them. The article can be found at the URL: https://steemit.com/propaganda/@ajain/be-aware-and-prepare-part-3

Which religion promotes the killing of innocent men and women? None. Which religion can survive centuries while engaging in violent behavior? None. So it behooves us to think that perhaps it is the twisted interpretation that is being used to the advantage of few over others. History is the witness to numerous wars that have been waged by effectively manipulating the thought process of individuals collectively.

If you read the article on propaganda techniques (URL given above), it is pretty clear that the technique that is being used is that of "Transfer and Association". A broad brush stroke is being painted. But let's examine the facts and try to answer two main questions: Who is saying and why?

All the news reports that I read had no mention of any specific name which can be quoted. All the reports merely say "witnesses".
The report also states that the attacks started in Borough Market when reportedly a van drove over the pedestrians over the London Bridge. The distance between the two spots is well over half a kilometer and can't be visually seen. This suggests that there was some coordination perhaps by a group outside of these two locations, but ironically the news reports state that all have been killed. How can this statement be made within hours? Now, we know the UK has the best intelligence and forensic agencies and they wouldn't hasten to conclude that everything is under control without proper due diligence.

So the next question is why? I think it is pretty clear that this is an attempt to influence the upcoming general elections on June 7. But then again, Britishers are not the kind of people who would be swayed by these kinds of gimmickry and their resolve will only strengthen. This is truer because they have witnessed this kind of incidents and have been desensitized to a large extent. As @blackrussian mentioned in one of the comments on the Manchester article - "the people in the UK are a lot smarter than government realizes, and will hopefully ask a lot of questions about how this tragedy transpired."

Let's investigate it from the flip side. Assuming everything that is being reported is true. In believing that, shouldn't we all support the initiatives of President of the United States, that all personnel coming into the country should be properly vetted before they are admitted into the country? There is a significant opposition to that in the USA and in Europe this is not even considered and people are entering the country by the millions.

So we can decisively conclude that this is not an isolated move but instead part of a much larger propaganda. The question is for what? I can only hazard a guess that whenever there is a social unrest, the power is transferred to the government which invariably curtails the individual's freedom even further. It is not about terror, it is about the dominance of masses by few and terror is just a technique.

What do you think? Please leave the comments.

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"Which religion promotes the killing of innocent men and women? None."

Actually all 3 of the "great" religions do.

"Which religion can survive centuries while engaging in violent behavior? None."

Yup, all 3 of em have engaged in violence and survived for centuries.

Good people do good things.
Bad people do bad things.
When good people do bad things it's called religion.

If you read the Koran you will find Muhammad used jihad or holy war to force conversion to Islam, If they didn't convert they were killed. So Sharia Law does promote the killings of non Muslims. This Ideology has been brought In to the west to take everybody's freedoms the Cabal Is playing one group off against another.

Can you please quote the chapter and verse from the Quran to back up your statements?

Let's expose the Quran!

Muhammad made clear, the main purpose of jihad was forced conversion to Islam.

He said: "I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there Is no god but Allah and that Muhammad Is the messenger of Allah...
If they say It, they have saved their blood and possessions from me..."
( Sharia Law, Reliance of the Traveler, o9.1 - o9.4, Pg 599 English )

o9.1 Jihad Is a communal obligation for every able bodied male who has reached puberty and Is sane.

Converting non Muslims, was more Important to Muhammad than killing them or robbing them, If they converted they became his obedient subjects, he would have their lives and possessions at his disposal, but If they would not convert, he would kill them and seize their belongings. " Complete totalitarian religion, Islam and Sharia Law speaks for Itself, " to think children are taught In British schools today, Muhammad peace be up on him, this Is absolutely extraordinary "

Ahh, see, you're NOT quoting the Quran here, but a book written by some dude on his interpretation of Quran and Sharia Law.

I'll wait patiently while you can back your statement. Or you can just edit it to say:

"If you read the book 'Reliance of the Traveller' ...."

All you are Is a defender of Sharia Law, Sunni's follow the later part of the Koran, where Muhammad preaches terror and Jihad for the forced conversion to Islam. Muhammad consummated his marriage with a nine year old girl, so It also encourages pedophilia. It Is Incompatible with a Free Liberty based society. So take your moronic totalitarian cult religion of oppression, pedophilia and destruction and leave.

Qur’an 9:5—Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day [notice it says “fight those who do not believe,” not “fight people who are attacking you”], nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book [the people of the book are Jews and Christians], until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

You are correct. I, however, do believe that it is the bad people who twist the religion to gain dominance. After all, much of the "true" religious values have been lost in translations over centuries. And today's generation is too busy to do critical thinking on their own.

Agree that it is the bad people who twist religion. My concern is that the number of bad people seems to be increasing exponentially. It appears that it is the 20-35 age group that is becoming radicalized. What I want to know is how much of the radicalization is ocuring in mosques?

Some of the information is

I think part of your reply got cut-off. Want to complete your thought?

I'm afraid I've lost my train of thought!!! Sorry!!!!

There Is no such thing as radicalization, Sunnis follow the later part of the Koran, this Is where Muhammad preaches Terror and Jihad for the sole purpose of converting non Muslims to Islam. If they follow Sharia Law they are Incompatible with a free society.

@ajain, is this how the propoganda spreads?

Are you sure that he's correct?

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