Russian company ЗАО «НИИФИ и ВТ»( released hard disk weighing 25 kilograms and a capacity of 50 megabytes.
In the description on the company website states that the external drive GNI-2.05 (the so-called model) is intended for use as an external storage for computers. His work may be at a temperature of -10 to +50 ° C.
GNI-2.05 - metal box 50 centimeters long, 38 centimeters wide by 25.4 centimeters tall, weighing 25 kg. It can store a total of 50 MB of memory, and the data- transfer speed of 155 kilobytes per second.
Price 3.7 million rubles (56,000 dollars) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and that's the world's big capacity 15TB ssd