Growth of laws & regulations vs growth of the average lifespan of a human.

in #technology7 years ago (edited)



Growth of laws & regulations vs growth of the average lifespan of a human.

As we all know we need growth.
More products, more information, more money, more (non) and/ or ionizing radio traffic, etc

If we compare the growth rate of an average humanoid life,
with the growth rate of the amount of laws & regulations
some interesting patterns show up.

80 * 365 days = 29500 days to process information, in this case regulations.
It is very difficult to define the amount of existing laws & regulations.
An easier method might be estimating the amount of new laws added every day.

Let's differentiate between laws of mathematics, religious laws, environmental regulations
and burocratic laws, (as in Window Tax) or tax laws in general.

How can we filter our time spent on keeping up with all this new information?
... in a meaningful way?

No easy answers here.

How you can train AI to convert burocratic laws into useful code...?

How you can train AI to come up with a meaningful definition of “toxic” content...?

Some stuff to consider:

How you can train AI to convert design mockups into HTML and CSS

Unilever warns social media to clean up “toxic” content

