Quantum Generation Airdrop is 170 QUBIT tokens worth $14.26

Quantum Generation Airdrop is 170 QUBIT tokens worth $14.26 to their community members. Sign up at exchange. Visit airdrop form, complete social tasks and also register at qmni & login get a QMN wallet and finally submit your details to the airdrop form to receive 170 QUBIT tokens worth $14.26.
Sign up at qexchange and verify your email id.

Login into the dashboard, goto wallets and generate QUBIT wallet address. (QMN is QUBIT wallet Id)
Registqer at mni and verify your email id

youtube tutorial:

https://trade.qexchange.ai/signup?refid=IDE23098CDD1 https://qmn.ai/ cheak form join social task fill all form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSep6w46s1W8_sGWduWEAiDh3ZnAbSV64qClXfJ9wcD-Q-5EKQ/viewform