Next level of Cheating with basic calculator

in #tech4 years ago

Cheaters continue to try new sorts of cheating methods but some of them are very creative and so stealth in nature. Some intelligent cheaters will always be able to find loopholes in examination system.

Normally calculators are allowed and all other advance gadgets are banned. An indian youtuber created a new stealth cheating in classic Casino calculator by embedding WIFi, LED and chat feature. I mean its complete package what more you can ask for during exam, lol.


He replaced the solar panel with LED display, added small WIFI chip and rechargeable battery to function all these modules.

He did not have to contact anyone to collaborate with his cheating and just used online portal Firebase to download all the required data on his calculator.

Nobody could have easily detected this because everyone is glued to their calculators during Mathematics exams. For him getting any sort of exam was no problem anymore and he could have achieved highest score easily.

Furthermore, he used hidden magnetic sensor in his pen as on/off switch for LED. I must say I am very impressed by whole setup and he did later on exposed this loophole.