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RE: How I quit my job to become a professional photographer

in #teamaustralia7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for posting this. Its not an easy transition. While I have not made this transition with photography (not yet anyway) I have worked for three startup engineering companies where one had to take the same leap of faith (mentally and financially) to get something happening.

Its sad that in the Australian school system that's not something they teach or even encourage. The entrepreneurial spirit is kept under the table and seen as almost a negative; which is quite different to how this is seen in the US. I think the only reason Australia maintains a reasonably strong entrepreneurial scene its that we are culturally anti-authority and for the underdog. Which helps overcome the voice in your head which tells you not to jump.

Nice to get to know you a little via steemit. Also nice to know that I have been chatting with your wife all that time on Instagram lol


Hahaha no that is me now! My wife hasn't commented on Instagram for a couple of years. I always answered DM's anyway :)

I think an entrepreneurial spirit would come from the parents. Schooling should only be seen as a base line education and not solely to be relied on.

Yes it comes from the parents but the system does it’s best job to crush it.