Southern Style Cats
Simple dish, especially suitable for rainy Saigon.
Broilers cooked in the South
Fresh shoots 0.5 kg.
legs of pigs 2 kg.
Batch 300 g (half for marinated meat, half for after softening).
Rieng 300 g (2/3 pour water, 1/3 sliced thin).
Lemongrass 3.
Salt, sugar, MSG, garlic, onion.
Broilers cooked in the South
Step 1: Grilled chicken legs for gold, shaved clean hair, chopped meat just eat.
Step 2: Bake fresh bamboo shoots thoroughly through some water, sliced 1 cm.
Step 3: 200 g galangal washed to get water, 100 g galangal sliced thin, comb to remove water, carrots, garlic, minced, add spices make marinated water.
Step 4: Stir in the mixture for about 2 hours.
Step 5: Pour the oil with the leg of the sausage and marinate in a saucepan, sauté the meat. Then, add the filtered water, just fold the meat, then let the fire justify, cook until the meat is soft. Finally, add fresh bamboo shoots and half of the remaining bamboo shoots, turn over until it boils and taste.
Lastly, to bowl, eat hot with fresh bun, the best is Thu Duc fresh bun. Should add fish sauce (add sweet powder, chili) to the momentum.
Restaurant Information
Southern Style Cats
Valencia St, San Francisco, CA, USA
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