What To Do About Time

in #tandua5 years ago

Week 3 - Jan 20 2020

I remember when 2020 seemed so far away that it would never actually come and now it’s here. Time plodding along unending at least as we know it.

I’ve been spending much of that time so far this year learning. Learning about how to get followers, how to use SEO, what hashtags really do, keywords and affiliates and niches. I’m at a crossroads here because now that I’ve made the commitment to make blogging a job, it means I’ve made the commitment to make money doing it. The thing is, a lot of what i see as methods to make money are spammy. I can’t bring myself to litter my site with ads and i honestly don’t really support buying much new if you can find it used. And so many of the “best” affiliate sites in my genre are places i don’t see myself ever buying from, let alone telling other people to.

I could write e-books but the cloud of self doubt billows in and I wonder why anyone would want to read them. While I stew on how to hold onto my values, I allow my mind to stop stressing about it and move towards other goals like the one I set last night. 1000 followers on one of my social media platforms before April Fools Day. That gives me 3 months.

I currently have 2 followers on Twitter… one is my husband. I have 14 followers on Instagram and I have no followers on my Pinterest unless you count my personal account which I’ve had for years. There I have 2500 followers. Or my Steemit account at 884 followers (the only place I’ve really made money online).

And I haven’t even made tea yet.

Back with tea and I find myself overwhelmed with a large serving of life’s little to-do’s. They swim around like messages in an alphabet soup. Pay Bills, make calls, set up appointments or lessons or… I try to pull myself away from that. Time will be made for those little annoyances. But then my mind turns down the lane of projects I’ve got lined up, finish the pantry, build the deck, finish the coop and run before spring, build the garden beds, Arya’s closet and that mural and her new bed to order and furniture to build. Our bedroom door.

But when I look out the window, I know the ground’s still frozen and I’d just rather be daydreaming about all the plants I want to see out there.

I find myself wishing for the future, when it’s spring again and things are greening up and my body is moving in the garden. My hands in the dirt, my shovel or fork working. I remind myself to “Be Here Now,” like the lion once told me as she found me in a forest of people at a String Cheese Incident on a New Years Eve at the Strike of midnight. “Be Here Now,” she growled.

Help me meet my goal and follow me pretty please!
Either here on Steemit

On Instagram @tangible_duality On Twitter @TangibleD On Pinterest @TangibleDuality or @JayJayJeffery

THANK YOU so much for reading!