A Voice from Syria

in #syria7 years ago

Turn off your tv and put down your newspaper. Listen to real voices from Syria for a change. Hala M Youseffe writes on Facebook:

"I've been a little MIA and haven't posted about this whole Ghouta situation, waiting to see what's going to happen since "the Aleppo scenario " is frankly being played again, BUT these foreign ignorant people's messages I've received telling me to get out of Syria because they think that "the Syrian regime is killing us and that they're sorry that this is happening",and the whole hysteria thing on the MSM plus the huge fabrications they're using to lie about Ghouta, all of that crap is getting on my nerves and I'm like that's enough!!!!!!!
Let me put this clear since many of you are too lazy to look up some good info about this, and would just assume that this is what's really happening.
There are only two perspectives about what is happening right now in Eastern Ghouta/Syria
You have the opposition/terrorists/the west and their allies' perspective, and then there's ours, the Syrians and our allies.
I want to sum it up but I got a lot to say.
This area which is located in the countryside of Damascus, the Syrian capital, it had been occupied by the terrorists since the very beginning of the Syrian conflict, and as you know these US and West puppets have so many names like (FSA, Al Nusra front, Ahrar Al Sham, Jaish Al Islam, Failaq Al Rahman, Al Qaeda, ISIS and so on) Who they -forever - love to call them "moderate rebels".
These god damn terrorist groups have turned the Syrian capital into hell for years, let's not forget about their crimes in Adra when they slaughtered and burnt people alive because they wouldn't agree with their sick extremist doctrine. They have been sending suicide car bombs into Damascus, firing missiles, and mortars (which would slice one into pieces) they've been firing them on the government controlled places in Damascus constantly over 7 years!! Targeting schools, religious places, hospitals, homes, any government institutions, killing and wounding thousands of innocent civilians; kids, students,...Which has increased 100% in the last couple weeks as retaliation since our military has finally entered Ghouta to finish them and clear it from terrorism.
They (the terrorists) have occupied most hospitals in Ghouta so only the terrorists and perhaps their families can be treated, but not the real innocent residents of Ghouta, they as well have been kidnapping kids, men, and women and keeping them as hostages either to protect themselves (by using them as human shields by putting them in cages on the roofs to stop the Syrian military from smashing them), OR they would brutalize, kill them and then take pictures of them to show the world that the "Assad regime" is killing innocent kids so they drag the world's sympathy which is based on lies in first place.
They do film themselves bragging about it, all of those devilish attacks which killed thousands of innocents and were commited by these monsters will go UNREPORTED by the MSM, while the death of a couple people in Paris in a terrorist attack would be reported all over the media for months.... These god damn double standards are killing me!!!!
Now the new thing that the terrorists are doing is collecting any pictures to support their crimes, pictures that include dead kids covered with blood and ashes from Gaza, Iraq, Afganistan and maybe Mars?? And claim that these kids were killed by the Syrian military in Ghouta. Step number 2 is googling some pictures of Israeli jet fighters bombing Gaza and then as well, claim it's the Syrian airforce bombing "innocents" in Ghouta.
Concerning the ordinary Ghouta residents, they have been told so many times by the government to leave but the terrorists would rather keep them, starve them, torture them and prevent them from leaving.
Now again, the government has told the residents to leave Ghouta before the military operations start so no innocent lives will be wasted, they established safe humanitarian corridors for them so they can be protected, as well as free transportation....... It's accurate and true, as the British journalists Tom Duggan has said "this is not the actions of a dictatorship, this is actions of a caring and loving government".... And I guess that about sums up the truth about what they claim our government is VS what it REALLY is.
I think that now you're able to infer what is going to happen next,, the terrorists are targeting the safe corridors so no one leaves.
The government as well has given many chances and tried so many times to negotiate with the terrorists but seems like the only way they'd rather accept is being smashed by our military.
So I've been wondering, since the UN security council cares so much about civilians, why don't they ask to evacuate them????????????
Are they too blind to see what's happening??? Turns out the UNSC never cared about civilians nor children...
They, as well as the western media and western governments continue to grieve over the terrorist murderers and make the Syrian Army and allies to be the "bad guys" for fighting the terrorists, and they expect us to accept this and not ask our military to help? If that happened in America, people would definitely ask their military to interfere and kill those terrorist rats.
It's pretty ironic how the kind of "civilians" that the UNSC cares about are in fact armed combatants, including women, yelling Allahu Akbar and wanting to slaughter everyone who opposes them, oh poor little creatures they need to be protected don't they.... Yeah baby, CEASEFIRE!!!!!
We all know what that leads to (what happened in Aleppo and the whole fake chemical attack thing)
The so-called White helmets (who were proven to be the members of Jabhat Al Nusra terrorists themselves) will fake a chemical attack, kill a bunch of kids and young men, film them to show how they grieve over them and want to rescue them from the "Assads brutal chemical attacks" Oh how they love saving innocent people..I mean since when does the wolf care about the sheep??? The sad thing is that a lot of ignorants would believe them!!! Who else would? The UNSC! Who else would?? The US military so they can target the Syrian military again; even though the US secretary of defence James Mattis has recently announced there was no proof that the Syrian government has ever used any kind of Chemical attack upon its own people!! Hmm what else would the White helmets get? A new academy award since they do movies about their crimes and it'd be lovely to share it in Hollywood wouldn't it _
it's frustrating that we, as Syrians, we do know everything that's happening here, and a only a very few of us love to share it with the world, but most would rather ignore it and focus on other stuff..why!!!! it's pretty frustrating to see the pro war activists and pro terrorists propaganda are stronger than us.. A LOT OF THEM never feel tired to keep on fabricating stuff about our government and military and keep on telling lies that would only benefit them which would all go straight to the UNSC!!!!. They are now spreading propaganda using the white helmets who use children to depict the government of Assad and the Syrian Arab Army as a genocidal force , while most of us just sit back giving up and depending on the foreign activists to defend us.. WE ABSOLUTELY APPRECIATE IT A LOT and we thank them all for the huge, non stop efforts they're doing to help us, but what if they stop? I mean I know they won't but just imagine. I know I ain't that good but I'm trying to do my best and I hope every Syrian does, hoping that our voices might be heard in the UNSC, not the voices of the terrorists or those who want to rip our country apart.
Pass this on if you agree."
