The Old Dog Asks: Am I Under Military Attack?

in #switzerland8 years ago (edited)

The Army Has Set up Camp Very Close to Where I live! What Is Going On?

Many who visit Switzerland are surprised by the military presence that they see. It is not unusual to encounter military vehicles driving by, to see military encampments setting up and doing training exercises or to see soldiers marching through a small town.

It is not out of the ordinary to see military vehicles on the roads!

What is Actually Going On? 

Most everyone knows that Switzerland is neutral and has not been involved in a war for over 500 years. What many don't realize however, is that while most European countries have done away with obligatory military service Swiss men must still serve in the army!

This is the encampment which is quite near my home. It was set up and broken down several times over a few weeks.

Once broken down the complete encampment fits into two large shipping containers!

Quick Facts about The Swiss Militia

  • Professional soldiers make up only about 5 % of the army
  • The rest is made up of conscripted "volunteers" from between 19 and 35 years of age and sometimes up to 5o years of age.
  • Compulsory service applies to all males! Women can volunteer to serve. In fact I saw a few at the encampment shown above.
  • It is now easier to be a conscientious objector in which case one must do civil service
  • Every year about 20,000 recruits receive basic training for between 18-21 weeks!
  • Militia members are required to keep all personal equipment including assigned weapons at their home!

To read more about Switzerland's readiness for attacks you can also read my article:

The Old Dog Investigates: The Curious Case Of The Swiss Bomb Shelters

Points to Ponder

  • Did you know about Switzerland's conscription law?
  • Does it surprise you?
  • Would it make you feel strange or protected to see the military presence?

I hope that you enjoyed my article and no I wasn't under attack!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     


I was already familiar with the Swiss system in relation to the quasi-mandatory military attendance, except for the people choosing to service the population instead.

I've always liked the idea under its many forms. Seeing military or police around usually and by the great majority of times makes me feel unsafe as where there is a show of such power it seems to be a sign that something is lurking.

Nice little article again @kus-knee, thanks for sharing the information. Namaste :)

Yes 20,000 thanks! Yes I wouldn't go to the army so I did civil service. I will tell that tale in a future story!

it's about a horned lizard and the ants he bought which maybe your solution to your ant problems??? if you like lizards :D@kus-knee I dropped by because @jrcornel's post reminded me of you

Did you know about Switzerland's conscription law?Does it surprise you?

No on both. Many countries in Asia have the same situation

Would it make you feel strange or protected to see the military presence?

not really, it was a normal scene in the Philippines on a monthly basis so not really but I understand how this probably feels here. The first time they put up soldiers on the borders the people sort'a not like it. It must be such a tough scene to watch.

Thanks so much for the lizard info. I didn't know that the military was such a part of "normal" life in the Philippines! Immagine if they all just planted flowers how beautiful it would be!

Very interesting article. It is difficult to appreciate how you feel as I have never lived in a "neutral country". Even though Switzerland hasn't been directly involved in a war, I think I would sleep better knowing that I had someone protecting me. As a former military person, we had a saying called the six "P's"... Prior planning prevents piss poor performance.

As far as conscription... Does Switzerland justify it because it lacks the people to volunteer service? I believe service should be voluntary except when a country is in a defensive war. I enjoyed reading your article. Nice pictures!

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

Please check your wallet!

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Thank you for your kindness!

I'm not sure as to how they justify it. I do know that they are not as severe towards those that opt out. Previously refusal to join the army meant prison but now you have the option of doing civil service like working in an old age home etc...

I have relatives there, so I know very well how it works ;)
My cousins don't like it!

I did civil service instead but only one year because I was too old!

Clean your gun and keep it oiled.

Thanks so much for having a look!

Did not even know Switzerland has an army? Defending all secret bank accounts - damn Mr. Bones you must be a rich man living in the cheese paradise :-)

Cheese, chocolate and watches. Very rich indeed!

  1. No, honestly I do not know about Switzerland concription.
  2. Yes.. A little bit
  3. At least no thief come to our area.
    Nice ! :)

Thanks for having a look and considering the questions @ happyphoenix

On the heels of the bank calling you an American...Be afraid my friend, be very afraid!!!

Yes indeed, thanks for the warning!

For me, military equipment looks menacing, I do not feel secure. We have a war in Ukraine now, volunteers are fighting. I really do not like it because many young Ukrainians died 18+. Even my friends ... I'm against volunteers for 18 years.
I do not know the charter of the Army of Switzerland. It surprises me, why did the neutral country activate military exercises? It looks strange.

Yes well I arrived here only at 35 years of age. I am a man of peace and so it looks strange to me too. So sorry for the problems in the Ukraine!

The military exercises are part of the yearly training that they do.

Do not apologize, you have nothing to do with it. Blame those who need this war. I am also for peace throughout the world !. Thank you for understanding!)

Surprised, I thought in Switzerland there is no army :), since it respects neutrality. But still it is more logical that she was to protect and help in various unforeseen situations. Good article @kus-knee

Yes it is surprising to many. Thanks @dolov for stopping by to have a look!

Thanks for sharing the knowledge about Swiss military @kus-knee.

Thanks a lot for having a look!

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing espacially as I am located in germany.
Follow you.

Thanks so much. There are so many good Steemers in Germany! I followed you as well!

I didn't know that, so thanks for sharing.
Well we see a bit of military now and again. Basically all big sporting events have a flyover LOL. Americans LOVE a good flyover!!!!!!!