Launch of #superman

in #superman7 years ago

Hello Fellow Steemian. I’m posting this in the comment section of your post, because I can’t contact you directly, like in messenger. So here is what I’m proposing: I have recently created a tag. I have made a couple of posts on it to enable it to exist. The purpose of this “Tag” is so that “We” can have a place to go to upvote each other’s posts collectively, without having to click on each one of our followers to see what they may, or may not have posted recently, and upvote it, and Resteem it. Since we have 5 tags to use when posting one of our posts, I thought it would be beneficial if we tried to band together, so to speak, and upvoted what I will loosely call “Our Group” Of Steemians. If you’re like me, you’ve noticed that getting upvotes on your posts, is like asking a bum for money. We just don’t get upvotes. It’s almost as if nobody even bothers to read what you have to say, or even cares to look, and if they do, they spend their upvotes on Whale posts to try and Suck up to them in hopes of having a Whale actually take notice. Guess what: The Whales don’t care, and they aren’t doing this for you.
So to basically outline my plan, it is simply this. Create a group of people who will tag their posts with the tag that I’ve created as the last tag on their post, that way it appears on that Tag line of posts. Every member involved has approximately 10 good strong upvotes per day to use. Use as many of those upvotes as you can on the Other Posters that are using this similar tag. It’s almost like having a group of us work together to help each other grow. It may take time, and it certainly will take effort, but I believe that in the long run it will pay off for its adopters. Our upvotes may not account for much monetarily speaking, but by banding together and utilizing our collective powers, we can help each other grow faster than simply hoping that our posts get some random upvotes, or paying those frigging automated bots that were created to make other people rich, while you just hopefully get your money back. I believe it will not only enable “us” to gain reputation points more quickly, but also grow our SteemPower more quickly, because we are actually getting some upvotes and comments.
I’ve met a few really decent people in here recently, and I’ve run it by them, and they really like the idea and approve of my implementation of it, so here it is.

The new Tag that I am creating will be #superman. It’s simple, and to the point. The few people that happen to stumble soon it by chance, will be the lucky ones. But remember,gnus will only work if each of us does our part. We must Upvote our fellow Posters, we must be producing good posts, and engaging with our comments. That’s how this all works here. So if you don’t agree, or can’t bother to make it here on Steemit, then Please, Do Not Join. I’m posting this tonight, solely on #superman, and I’m sending it to you, to become part of the movement, part of the team, part of the Resistance!!!


I noticed you downvoted my recent article without leaving a reason or comment. Your downvote is the very first downvote that I've received since I joined Steemit 3 months ago. Do you care to elaborate why you gave me such a vote, or are you in the habit of randomly downvoting things?

Uh, I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I have never Downvoted anyone, especially you, since I’m of a rank 36, I couldn’t downvote you, even if I wanted to. You must have me mixed up with someone else. Sorry, but it wasn’t me Bro.

Wasn’t me bro. I am ranked way below you, so it’s not possible to downvote you, even if I wanted to. You must have me confused with someone else. Check it out dude. I’m only ranked 36. You’re way beyond my reach. Cheers.

I think something went wrong with how steemit broadcasts to the blockchain. This comment was directed at @interestinggirl. But it's no biggie. I've moved on.

Ok bro, understood. Peace Bro and catch yah here on Steemit. 👍

This isn't a bad idea, nor a great one in my personal opinion. But like all investments, it will work in the long run. I had already thought of creating my own tag for myself, so it won't hurt for me to add the #superman tag to my future posts as well.

I understand that Steemit does encourage the creation of new tags, but hardly any newcomer really decides on creating a new tag since the average newcomer's mind is more on the money than on actual content. I will share this idea with Steem users I know (who also struggle with getting noticed) and hope this system works out in the long run.

We're not doing only ourselves a favour this way, but also doing Steemit a favour in the long run. The more tags there are out there, the more vibrant and active sub-communities will be; more room for growth and improvement.

Upvoted, Replied, and Resteemed :D

Yours Truly,

<3 @interestinggirl

Maybe some hopefuls who were searching for "superman" or "batman" might stumble across our posts in the near future and find out that our posts have decent (if not awesome) content to read. :D