in #story7 years ago (edited)

i started, couldnt go further than this,lazy ass me, i know i really need to work on my construction. this was typed with WPS.copied and pasted but the tabbed paragraphs aint showing here...anyways....howz the scene?



Bisi ran through the dark forest like her life depended on it, as a matter of fact, it did, it was very dark, the moon decided to hide its face 'just tonight when she needed it the most'.

she was panting, out of breathe, but she needed to move on if she was to survive tonight. Her feet were sore and hurting, she was running barefoot, thorns and figs leaving bruises and cuts on her legs; she shot her head backwards several time to catch a glimpse of something, but, there was nothing,'thank God, it was gone' she had a rush feeling of relief, she paused a minute to rest, she was breathing heavily and sweat dripping all over her body, 'damn,she was gravely tired'.
Suddenly, a dark figure appeared from between the trees behind her about 30 paces away, 'oh my gods!' she yelled in fright and shock filled her body, all her hairs rose to their peak lengths.

“HELP ….SOMEBODY HELP” she screamed the loudest she could get although she was sure no one could hear her cries here. She was getting weaker by every step she took, she felt like giving up but ‘damn, she don’t wanna die’, her body aching all over , but she isn't giving up ‘at least not tonight’.

Her whole life was as normal as every one else just ten minutes ago, she had been walking down the narrow peaceful pathway near the riverside to get a pot of water, when she heard a rustle in the nearby bush; “who’s there?” she had asked quietly, everything went silent again, this time it was too silent, then there was this strange breeze that had managed to kill the fire from the damp oil lantern’s wool, and there was the growling, then there was the weird looking dark figure that had jumped out of the bush at her, then the race for her life had begun, she had taken the wrong turn and ran into the dark forest in fright just ten minutes ago,’damn! just 10 minutes ago’ her whole life had turned into a jeopardy.

And now she’s running from ‘a…a…a shadow?, a beast? Or whatever the hell this thing is’, ‘the gods, what had she done to deserve this’.
Unfortunately, one of her foot caught a strong twig ‘oh shit, no, no , no’, she tripped, tumbling down the slope, the dark figure racing after her rolling body…

I got the image from here