The Dragon's Blood (Part 105)

in #story8 years ago

In which bat meets wolf...


     It didn't stop her, her funny little ring tone, but it did halt her manic charge just enough to change the momentum, to give it back to Blake. In the blink of an eye he was on her, his claws, for that is what they were now, no longer hands but claws like those of some monstrous bat, reaching out for her. 

     In that blink she saw past him, seeing someone in the shadows of the great gaping hole the Dragons had left behind them, someone holding a little electric light, a cellphone. 

     She didn't have time to ponder that certain someone, or that certain light, for Blake was on her, his foul reeking breath overwhelming her senses, overriding them. One clawed arm took her mace, taking her arm, for she wasn't letting that thing go until she was dead, up with it. The other took her throat, his grip wringing the breath right out of her. 

     She kicked outward to no avail, finding nothing, his body like solid stone, unyielding. 

     “Silly bitch,” the Vampire grinned, all of his teeth sharp now, clear drool dripping down his rapidly jutting chin, his features transforming, becoming more inhuman by the moment. “The artifacts in this room can hurt me. Some might even kill me... but nothing..... NOTHING you do will harm me.”

     He twisted violently then and she felt something in her wrist pop. The mace dropped, her entire arm spasming before going numb. 

     Well, she thought grimly, so much for her supposed death grip. 

     She would've groaned right then, maybe even screamed, if she could find the breath to. 

     The Vampire was saying something through the clenched monster teeth mere inches from her face, but she didn't hear a word of it. A darkness was creeping in around her vision as he squeezed tighter and tighter and it had taken most of her 

hearing right along with it. 

     Past Blake, the shape in the shadows was getting closer, bounding over pile after of pile of riches with an unbelievable speed. She smiled as she realized what was about to happen, smiled through the numbness rapidly growing through her entire body. 

     The slobbering nightmare thing before her cocked it's head to one side at the sight of her grin. Confusion wrote itself all over those chaotic features in a twisted mockery of human expression.

     It lessened it's deadly grip, allowing blood to rush back in, blood and blessed oxygen.

     “Why do you grin, human?” It asked her through it's sharp toothed maw. “Please, do amuse me.”

     And then her great grin turned into outright laughter. She threw her head as far back as his grip would allow and cackled with as much air as she could muster.


     Before Thomas Blake could reply, the Werewolf, Zeus fucking Machado himself, finally deciding to join the party, hit him with the full force of a damned freight train, lifting the startled Vampire clear off it's feet. 

     Blake's grip evaporated, sending her toppling head over heels into a pile of gold coins with Spanish markings written all over them. She caught herself, rolled with it as best she could, stars filling her vision. 

     When her head had cleared well enough to see, if not to act, she turned towards the struggle.

     Through the flurry of motion, through the howls of the two creatures of the night, she discerned one very clear conclusion.... no matter how great and powerful an ancient Undead Lord may be, in the end even it was no match for six hundreds pounds of pure unbridled rage.

     Before Lorelei Price's stunned eyes, Zeus Machado made prompt work of Thomas Blake, ripping the old demon into bloody pieces.     

 End Part 105

If you find yourself interested in the whole damnedable thing and wanna throw me a few bucks, here's a link to it on Amazon.